SOTD : Saturday 17th April to Friday 23rd April 2021.

And welcome to my shave with the theme 'Harrigammi take(n) 2'


As if the Mills family didn't learn a lesson the first time around by returning back to the place of their original misadventure, then neither did I.

The Bolton twirl - Stainless Colonial General
The Ramsbottom rumple - Titan Mild
The Crumpsall crush - Alpha Wickhams Artic
The Waddington wad - MDC Fougere
The St Annes' scrunch - Goutal Monsieur

The terms used for each piece of shaving implement are of course all techniques used within the Lancashire art of Harrigammi. Paper crumpling may well be thought of as crude and rudimentary but it does actually involve some intricate and precise manipulation of the paper with a deft hand. A similar level can be achieved with toilet paper when being used as...... toilet paper.

The General

Being fed with a fantastic bit of team work from the MDC and the Alpha I wouldn't expect anything else other than brilliance from the Colonial. And yes, it delivered brilliance. I absolutely love the General razors and I have every good reason to do so. Biased or not. Or do I just know a great thing? To anyone going down the SE Road you really must try the Generals. Trust me. My wife doesn't, but I am being 'honest John' here. Dear John...........

What I will say though is one absolutely stonking great shave with wonderful end results after a hard day of grafting helping my son in his garden. What a useless git he is. He needs a 60 year old fogey to show him how to dig and pull roots up. Shame on you sunshine.

And that's what your happy mother thinks. And don't forget, I'm married to the joyful lady.

Harrigammi March 3

After a long conversation with the Lancashire arts society over the use of sellotape in Harrigammi I finally got the nod in their one liner

'Do wot tha fuckn' must lad'

So I did. And a very big welcome to the Harrygammi Mach 3 V8 triple blade razor. I worked hard on this one. The first blade forces the bristles up in to a position where the second blade can cut through efficiently and the third just removes strips of skin. A real winner, and a really unique 0 degree shaving angle.


More importantly, did it work. Once again I have to declare, 'It was fucking shite' and once again it fell apart when it came in to contact with water and what remained removed more than just 'swathes of skin' but bloody great chunks of.

A little more than anticipated and certainly took a few more styptic pencils than I had in the cabinet and several litres of aftershave balm.

I have decided to call it a day with paper crumpling and enjoy an extended life instead.

So I sign off with the usual and back to one of the bands which started me off down the road of Japanese ladies. Okay it is in the main the girly vocalist and the best looking cross dressing guitarist I know of, but hey, this lot have 'Wow!' value. Blood Stain Child. Enjoy, I always do

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Monday 19th April
Birthday Shave
Cadman Custom Synthetic - OSP Spice Road Prototype - General Brass - Schick Proline P #1 - Old Spice A/S - Aloe Vera Gel - Viktor & Rolf Spice Bomb EDT

A celebration with 3 of my favourite pieces of shaving accoutrements accompanied by 2 of my favourite guitarists.

Happy Birthday :)
Tue 20th SOTD
Soap Stirling Orange Chill
Brush Yaqi 26mm Orange Black
Razor Karve Brass SB-D
Blade Willy Premium 3rd
Post & Aftershaves Ice Water + Stirling Witchhazel Orange Chill + Hyaluronic + TGS Orange Empire AS
Excellent soap qualities! Fizzy refreshing & cooling sensation, creamily thick and slick lather!!
Shave with razor paired with the blade was very smooth and comfortable for all areas in 3passes without any issues resulting in a mostly bbs finish. Enjoyed this combination. Excellent aftershaves too...

SOTD : 20th April 2021.


Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/Asda Tingly Mint & Tea Tree Shower Gel.


Cold wet flannel to my face.
Pears ~ Transparent Bar Soap With Mint Extracts. + Nuage Menthol shaving Oil.
Brush: Chinese Unbranded Silvertip Fibre.
Bowl Lather.
Tesco's Ceramic 'Cosmo' Side Bowl.
Lather: The Body Shop ~ Maca Root Shaving Cream.
Blade: Indian Gillette Wilkinson Sword. (D3)
Razor: Jagen David B30.

Cold water face wash with brush squeezings, Cold Water Face Rinse. /Homemade (~Spring/Summer mix~) Lemon, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Essential Oils. + 3 Menthol Crystals. Mixed Together With 200ml of Care+Witch Hazel./Aloe Vera Gel./Brut ~ Attraction Totale ASL.


Early morning shave,

The chinese super-speed clone has a good weight & balance to it which paired together superbly with the GWS wonderfully making a smooth non-aggressive yet efficient enough razor & blade duo.

A enjoyable 3 pass + pick ups close comfortable acceptable shave with no errors to report.. Finishing the shave off a with a generous splash of Brut ~ Attraction Totale ASL.

My face is feeling super smooth & smelling divine.;)

Stay safe, and enjoy your day ladies & gentlemen.:cool:

Prep: Shower, Palmolive Olive Oil Soap
Soap: Wickham Buddha Wood Sample
Brush: 24mm Yaqi Sagrada Familia Tuxedo
Razor: Parker 22R Interceptor
Blade: Gillette 7 o'clock yellow (1)
Post: Brut ASL, Real Shaving Co. Balm

Forgive me Gillette, I have sinned. It's been three months since my last 7 o'clock Yellow ;) Spurred on by the Astra, I revisited this blade, which was mediocre at best when I first tried it, and fell well short of the green and numerous other brands. What a difference a bit of time working on technique makes! Today was one of the smoothest two-pass shaves I've had and this blade was elevated to a rotation-worthy position in the blade box. I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised as I have gravitated towards eastern-European blades since I've joined this forum. I'll keep it in the razor for a couple of days and then swap it out for a green to compare. Looks like I'll have to reassess my thoughts on a few blades, although a couple are definite no-nos (I'm looking at you, Shark!)
Pre: hot towel to the face, proraso green preshave cream

Brush: yaqi 26mm mysterious space tuxedo

Soap: goodfellas smile pino alpestre

Razor: Razorock hawk v2 hulk green

Blade: feather professional AC

Post: brut ASL,

first outing with newly acquired razorock hawk v2, and using AC blades for the first time too.

I must say the shave was quite interesting - quite enjoyed this razor however I can see the v3 being more appealing due to weight - seems like I prefer more hefty razors (v3 is now a potential candidate for the wish list).

Picked up 4 weepers on the way - 2 in second pass and 2 in third one (although I swear one of those was reopened one from 2nd pass). I usually tend to pick up weepers only in problem area on my neck or under the nose when going ATG, however surprisingly this time I got one under the lip.

Achieved BBS on the face and neck is DFS. Happy with that - interesting and enjoyable shave with the hawk - will be giving it another go tomorrow morning.

Shave was finished off with generous splash of Brut AS.

Have a good day Gentlemen!
20 April

Signature Soaps Leodis
Razorock Plissoft
Mühle R106
Feather Hi-stainless
Signature Soaps Leodis splash


Today I gave my current travel kit an air, it needed it. The Mühle R106 was the first razor that I had regular blood free DE shaves with, and the Razorock 24mm synthetic was probably the first synthetic that I considered good enough. I used a luxury soap to see how the basic kit would fare, and it excelled itself. A great performance all round, leaving both the bathroom and me scented gently of rose.
Pre-shave:- Cold Shower
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- Semogue SOC 2 Band Finest Badger in Cherry Wood 24/53mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Noble Otter ~ Plunder
Razor/Blade:- Karve SS 'SB-D' / Vintage Gillette US Spoiler #5
Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Invite E High Potency Pure Oil (10 drops), Natural Plant Glycerin (20) & Tea Tree Oil Antiseptic (5)
Fragrance:- L'Occitane Baux
Tonight Tipple:- Johnnie Walker Blue Label
Pass-around Carbon CX + Plate
Pre: Pears Transparent Original Cold water Face wash
Brush: Simpson Duke 3 Best
Soap: OSP #08
Razor: Carbon CX-316 + Plate
Blade: Astra SP (1)
Post shave: Cold water Rinse, TC's infused Witch Hazel
Balm: Tonyschin's Cedarwood and Patchouli Argan Oil and Balm
Aftershave: OSP #08

Wk 16 (4).JPG

I enjoyed that, the Astra SP is not the best blade out there, however, it works very well for me.
A nice scritchy face lather with the Duke 3 and OSP #8
I preferred the + plate over the ++ plate from the previous 2 shaves so this was fitted for todays shave.
I finish with a very comfortable BBS finish from the traditional 3 passes.
A nice post shave leaving me feeling clean and fresh, a very happy shaver today.
I really like this razor, although i am not sure i would pull the pin right away, i have a large collection to thin out and this razor would go before some i already have. Maybe later when i have a more manageable rotation.
Stay safe and enjoy your day all.
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