SOTD Saturday 13th to Friday 19th August 2016

My first morning shave for a while and my first use of Denali. It definitely wakes you up :D Third shave with the Rolls. It felt like the best one but I've ended up with a bit of irritation under my neck. Enjoyed it none the less. Edit: 2 hours later and no irritation and a good finish all around. Happy.

- Rolls Razor

- Omega 49 Professional

- SW Large Blue Suribachi Scuttle

- P&B Denali

- Alum

- Thayer's WH Aloe

- Speick AB

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Wednesday 17th
Heno de Pravia Glycerine soap pre-wash
Zenith TS506 Synthetic
Blue's Goats Milk Tallow Soap
Schick Adjustable on #8
Schick Twin #2
Alum > Duru Lemon Cologne
Lacura Aq Cream Moisturiser
Al Rehab - Al Fares EDP

Great performing soap, amazing residual slickness and post skin feel. And for the price, no brainer.
My final mow with the adjustable. Wound up to the max with a twin blade - 2 pass. Just feel like Billy's Dolphin.
IMG_0799.jpg Wed 17th Aug
Vulfix 404 mixed
Arran Aromatics Bay virus soap
Ever Ready/ Gem Push Button
Gem S/S [ 3 ]
Alum Rub & Rinse off
Tuff Green A/S Lotion.

The brush very effective on this soap, which needs minimum amount of water to work up a good lather. Have found that after using variable length handles on Injectors, I can easily adapt to the SEs I have used. Today found that I was really comfortable working ATG even on the neck. Excellent shave attained, though took longer than with the " streamline".
Woody mood today...

Pre: Shower and Bulldog Face Wash
Bowl: Steve Woodhead Ceramic
Brush: EJ Medium Best Badger
Cream: TOBS Sandalwood
Razor: Merkur 34C HD
Blade: Polsilver Super Iridium #2
Post: alum, Thayer's, Proraso Green a/s
Fragrance: YSL M7 Oud Absolu
Music: Beethoven 9: ORR/ Gardiner

Nice to get back to creams again. TOBS is really good stuff (imo). Protective and slick. Polsilvers aren't bad. Still prefer Personna Israeli Reds with my Merkur. Great combination. Don't know whether to replace my TOBS with more Sandalwood, or to go for the Rosewood or Cedar...<steeples fingers>.

Be well everyone...
Another late shave today, mainly because I received a Gillette Fat Boy and wanted to clean and sterilise it before I used it for the first time...

It's Fat Boy G1 made in the first quarter of 1961, which ties in nicely with my birth (Jan 1961)...that's what caught my eye about it (also it was cheaper than I expected!).

Not one of the finest examples, and not one of the more sought-after earlier models, but it's in good working condition. The owner had only given it a quick clean so it needed a thorough bath! The cleaning process involved:
  1. Soak in hot water and washing up liquid solution (in an old pickled onion jar) until the water cooled
  2. Thorough brush with a mild toothbrush
  3. Cotton buds used with a coconut oil 'Miracle Polishing Cloth' to get into some of the more hard-to-reach places
  4. Cotton buds used with small blob of T-Cut to attack a particularly stubborn stain on the inside blade section
  5. Rub over with 'Grime Boss' heavy duty handy wipes
  6. Rinse under hot water
  7. Soak in surgical spirit for 2 hours
Note: I only used stuff that wouldn't damage the metal or parts.
It came up quite nice and a little sharper than when it arrived, but I was more concerned with sterilising it than polishing to a gleam...


The shave:
  • Glyce pre-wash
  • Myrsol Emulsion pre-shave
  • P&B Denali soap - great stuff!
  • Plissoft brush
  • Fat Boy + new Voskhod blade
  • Coal tar soap post wash
  • Cold water rinse + Alum
  • Fine American Blend AS splash - marvellous scent!
  • Nivea Sensitive balm - didn't want to ruin the AS scent!

A good shave. However, I kept having to re-tighten it as I felt that the palm of my hand was loosening the screw at the bottom of the handle...maybe I needed to tighten it more to start with?
I had it set on the least aggressive (1) setting, which worked fine for me, but not as good as my EJ89...that will take some beating.
I'm going to try it again with other blades and settings, but definitely glad I got one:)

Sorry for going on a bit in this post!:rolleyes:
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