SOTD: Saturday 11th December - Friday 17th December 2021.


Soap – TOBS Grapefruit Cream
Brush – Razorock Bruce 24mm
Razor – Razorock SLOC
Blade – Gillette Super Blue (2)
A/S & Balm – Nivea 2 Phase

A rare fast and furious shave due to poor time management.
Although I was wielding the razor around at a fair rate of knots it never felt like it would bite. This combo worked efficiently and comfortably and I had a great result under the circumstances.

Stay safe and enjoy your shaves.
This afternoon -

razor - Mergress :) (2)
blade - Trig Silver Edge (3)
brush - Semogue 2015 HD silvertip
soap - Tds Menthol
post - rosewater & glycerin
a/s - Alcolado Glacial
balm - Proraso Green Pre

Felt shite upon waking up, so time for the nuclear cold water/all things menthol shave cure. That did the job - I feel a whole lot better. My chakras are bang on and the harmful radiation is pure bouncing aff me. Maybe there is something in the shungite water? Shave well troops - cheers - I.

SOTD: 13/12/2021

Razor: Yaqi Excalibur
Blade: Kai Titan Mild Pink , 7th use
Brush: Edwin Jagger Imitation Horn & Chrome Brush
Bowl: Captains Choice Copper Lather Bowl Standard Bowl
Preshave: PAA Cube Unscented Soap
Soap: Stirling Campania Puck
Aftershave: Stirling Campania EDT
Balm: Baxter Of California Aftershave Balm

I’m glad I’ve removed this brush for sale, it’s not fancy and I’ve knackered the chrome it being my first brush and having no idea how to care for them this point last year but it still feels great and lathers a treat. My first shave with the Captain’s Choice bowl and though it required an adaption to how I normally lather, (I normally swirl this works better back and forth) it was great to work with and as good as my 3-D bowl favourite.
This soap and splash are definitely one I would never relinquish! Scent lasts all day and always makes me feel good getting a light whiff of it every now and then. Have you grabbed it yet @Boycie83, it’s nearly Christmas after all!
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SOTD: 13/12/2021

Razor: Yaqi Excalibur
Blade: Kai Titan Mild Pink , 7th use
Brush: Edwin Jagger Imitation Horn & Chrome Brush
Bowl: Captains Choice Copper Lather Bowl Standard Bowl
Preshave: PAA Cube Unscented Soap
Soap: Stirling Campania Puck
Aftershave: Stirling Campania EDT
Balm: Baxter Of California Aftershave Balm

I’m glad I’ve removed this brush for sale, it’s not fancy and I’ve knackered the chrome it being my first brush and having no idea how to care for them this point last year but it still feels great and lathers a treat. My first shave with the Captain’s Choice bowl and though it required an adaption to how I normally lather, (I normally swirl this works better back and forth) it was great to work with and as good as my 3-D bowl favourite.
This soap and splash are definitely one I would never relinquish! Scent lasts all day and always makes me feel good getting a light whiff of it every now and then. Have you grabbed it yet @Boycie83, it’s nearly Christmas after all!
Purchased and with my mum for my Christmas gift. Looking forward to smelling like an Italian fig.
View attachment 81457
This afternoon -

razor - Mergress :) (2)
blade - Trig Silver Edge (3)
brush - Semogue 2015 HD silvertip
soap - Tds Menthol
post - rosewater & glycerin
a/s - Alcolado Glacial
balm - Proraso Green Pre

Felt shite upon waking up, so time for the nuclear cold water/all things menthol shave cure. That did the job - I feel a whole lot better. My chakras are bang on and the harmful radiation is pure bouncing aff me. Maybe there is something in the shungite water? Shave well troops - cheers - I.
Great knob on the end of your Mergress there I. Nicely polished.
Razor = Rockwell 6s ( 4 )
Blade = Silver Star ( 1 ) Egyptian
Brush = Shavemac 24mm Synthetic
Soap = Pinnacle Grooming Arles
Splash = Nivea 2 phase
Balm = Proraso
Another decent shave today.
back to work in Norway for around 10 days so decided to bring a few samples to save on weight.
I wasn’t expecting much from the blade but was pleasantly surprised
Stay Safe Lads
And as a special offer I am proud to give you two SOTD's for the price of one and both with the theme 'Arthur 2 shaves Jackson'


Whatever day this shave was

2 sides for the price of one - Tatara Nodachi
2 edges for less than the price of one - Dorco Prime
Quite a few bristles for the price of one - Cadman Tuxedo
One cream for the price of one cream - Menrock Scicilian Lime

So impressed with the Nodachi I decided it was wasted in Yorkshire getting used once in a while. It needs love and deservedly so. What a super piece of kit. It now lives 125 miles to the west


Whatever day the previous shave was, this one wasn't

One edge for the price of one edge (A Boycie kind of offer) - Occams Eunoch Enoch
An expensive one edge when you could have two - Kai Titan mild
A few more bristles than just the one - Wee Whiskey Barrel
One tin of cream - Murdock something or other

The Enoch. So underrated and understated. Super super super. As for the cream, an absolute blinder and gives creams a wonderful name. Just wish I'd bought two in their sale.

And as a special offer I am happy to give you two Japanese girly videos for the price of one. And the same song at that!
Monday AM 2021-12-13

Rooney 2/1 Faux Horn Finest (22/52)
Grooming Mélange d’Agrumes shaving cream
Haircut & Shave P075-SB Mixed Metal Black/H&S Copper
Personna 74 Tungsten (18)
Ethos Grooming Mélange d’Agrumes aftershave

This was my first use of the shaving cream. A small-almond sized dollop quickly made abundant fragrant lather that was thick and rich. The shave was smooth, and my skin was left supple and moisturized. Overall I was quite pleased. This shave was with a blade at the end of its life; the next will be with a newer blade. I'll write a full review after a couple more uses.
Sunday 12th December

Semogue 2020 LE Silvertip - Signature Soaps Capra - Katana/Treet New Steel - Avon Segno EDP

Postimage was playing up yesterday so I didn't get this excellent shave in 3 passes :)

Monday 13th December
An early start and a late finish meant no photo today

Semogue C5 Mistura
Nanny's Silly Soaps Arabian Nights
Katana/Treet New Steel
Ai-Rehab Ameer Attar

A great result....considering I only took time for 2 passes. The Treet New Steel is a very acceptable blade...not the sharpest blade in the box...but it is smooth and does the job well at a very attractive price
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