SOTD Saturday 10th to Friday 16th September 2016

I've ordered 5 tins of the stuff...and I will base my view on actually using it but based on comments generally I guess I've put my money where my mouth is. Still interested in your view seemed to agree with Foxy about it being a superb OSP that much better that it deserves the extra cost?
Yes you are correct in saying I agreed with PF when he said it was a superb soap for its price. For its price it is a superb soap and I am sure you will agree when you receive yours and try it for yourself. To answer the rest of your question yes I believe OSP is that much better and indeed does deserves the extra cost. I will send you a tester if you wish and then you can make your own mind up about How good OSP is. If you want to take me up on my offer please PM me your address.
Yes you are correct in saying I agreed with PF when he said it was a superb soap for its price. For its price it is a superb soap and I am sure you will agree when you receive yours and try it for yourself. To answer the rest of your question yes I believe OSP is that much better and indeed does deserves the extra cost. I will send you a tester if you wish and then you can make your own mind up about How good OSP is. If you want to take me up on my offer please PM me your address.
Really appreciate the offer Paul...but I did try OSP Eucalyptus and menthol and found it to be very good indeed (not something I've posted here) ...but not as good as P&B Denali, which is my personal benchmark for excellence. Denali always seems to go way beyond any other soap for me and it's worth the extra cost. Maybe Blue's will be even better...I don't know...if it is, and at its price, then I will be very chuffed indeed...but for now my view remains the same...artisan or mass produced don't make any difference...what matters is what works for me...if it's cheap or more pricey...well in that case it depends on whether I can afford it!
So why should anyone buy anything else?
Because it's there choice to do so,and IMHO in some cases, not all of them,your just paying for the name of some artisan products,when the mass produced products do exactly the same for the fraction of the price,i'm not frugal, where spending is concerned,but if a product is cheaper and it does the same,then I won't buy just because of the products name reputation.
If you have used OSP and I don't doubt that you have why are you asking for my opinion on OSP and if it's worth the extra money? You know what My opinion is and I know what yours is so what's with the questions?
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Because it's there choice to do so,and IMHO in some cases, not all of them,your just paying for the name of some artisan products,when the mass produced products do exactly the same for the fraction of the price,i'm not frugal, where spending is concerned,but if some is cheaper and it does the same,then I won't buy just because of the products name reputation.
If you have used OSP and I don't doubt that you have why are you asking for my opinion on OSP and if it's worth the extra money? You know what My opinion is and I know what yours is so what's with the questions?
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
I guess I'm interested in other people's opinion of things I've tried myself. I'm sure if you check back in this forum, you've asked people their views on soaps, razors, etc that you've already used yourself?
Prep - Sainsbury's Tea Tree Facial Bar
Soap - Edwin Jagger Menthol
Razor - Gillette Slim (6)
Blade - Rapira SS (1)
Brush - Maggard Purple Swirl 24mm Plissoft Synthetic
Post - Real Saving Co Professional Formula Balm

First run with the Gillette Slim received in a trade with @Uncle Bertie. It's certainly a shade more aggressive than a Fat Boy and much easier to manoeuvre. Nice 2.5 pass DFS. I will stick with the Slim this week in order to explore its potential further.


Honestly had one of the best shaves I've ever had earlier today. The soap was great; the scent although initially I wasn't a massive fan as it is very sweet, has grown on me, I actually rather like it now! The razor was brilliant! This is my first shave without a straight for a couple of weeks now, I just fancied a break and I'm glad I did. The Clog-Pruf is like child's play in comparison. I zipped about my face and was DFS after two passes @Gordy you are bang on it's a winner. No irritation, great finish, lovely looking and functioning razor, I was a happy bunny!

- GEM MM Clog-pruf

- Omega 49 Professional

- 1912 Club Cola

- Thayers Aloe WH

- Speick AB

- Speick AS

Honestly had one of the best shaves I've ever had earlier today. The soap was great; the scent although initially I wasn't a massive fan as it is very sweet, has grown on me, I actually rather like it now! The razor was brilliant! This is my first shave without a straight for a couple of weeks now, I just fancied a break and I'm glad I did. The Clog-Pruf is like child's play in comparison. I zipped about my face and was DFS after two passes @Gordy you are bang on it's a winner. No irritation, great finish, lovely looking and functioning razor, I was a happy bunny!

- GEM MM Clog-pruf

- Omega 49 Professional

- 1912 Club Cola

- Thayers Aloe WH

- Speick AB

- Speick AS

The original scent for me was a little too artificial albeit very reminiscent of childhood memories and sweets, no idea whether the new soaps are the same?
Sun 11th Sept
RazoRock Plissoft 22mm
Lea Classic Soap
PAL Injecto Matic
Schick S/S [ 7- Japan ]
Lea Classic A/S lotion

As out again quite early wanted a dependable Shave. Just changed the PAL for another one. Am feeling that these blades get smoother as they age, as this was a really comfortable shave with the usual close finish. This is in danger of becoming the razor I would use if preparing for a special occasion.

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