Face wash Bulldog sensitive
Pre shave The shave doctor
Stirling Kong
Dusy Professional MEN Kabinett
"Nationaal" razor
Polsilver SI (4 and out)
Pitralon Original AS
De Vergulde Hand ASB
Romano Classic Talc pour homme


Low-budget shave day!

Prep: Shower
Bowl: Nibbles bowl from Sainsburys - One Pound! Too big though
Brush: Evil Wilkinson Sword bristle. 3 months later, still not broken in nicely
Cream: Super-Max Ultimate
Razor: HD 34C (removed the shim since last time)
Blade:Gillette 7 O'Clock SharpEdge yellow
Post: Cold water

Nice bowl for a quid, just a shame it's a bit big and tall. The brush still manages to be simultaneously spiky and floppy. Loved the ease of lathering the cream, tons of thick lather within seconds, really nice on the face. Unfortunately it's a bit smelly for me, and leaves a lingering Nivea-like scent on everything. Three pass with plenty of touchups for the razor/blade combo, though to be fair the 'yellow' works better with this razor than any of my other ones. Got bored eventually and quit before BBS, but still a DFS. Just took a while getting there :)

Friday 4th March 2016
Prep: Shower
Razor: GEM Pushbutton
Blade: GEM Blue Star Carbon
Brush: Duke 3
Soap: Tabac Stick Grated
Aftershave: Astral Cream (soft)
EDT: CK Obsession For Men


SOTD 20160304:


- La Toja shaving cream
- Custom brush with Vie-Long horse hair knot (50% mane, 50% tail)
- Epsilon shaving bowl
- Brass SSSeygus open/short comb razor with extra long (10 cm) handle
- Big Ben Super Stainless blade (1)
- Floid Black aftershave

Maiden trip of my brand new brass SSSeygus - just like his lightweight black aluminum brother a mild
and very effective razor.
Almost impossible to cut oneself with it .... ;)

Had a smooth and DFS++ shave :):p

Have a great day, gentlemen ! ;)
Prep: Hot shower, Bulldog facewash
Cream: Ingrams
Brush: TSC Best Badger
Razor: Gillette Old Type
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue
After: Dr Harris Bay Rum AS

Can honestly say, the best shave of my life so far. Admittedly I only gave up cartridges and canned gloop a week or so ago, but still.

Moving from my EJ DE86 to the Gillette Old Type (a really nice silver plated one I bought from Dave-the-rave) definitely shows my face loves a more aggressive razor. Helped by the dainty size of the Gillette as well, I was able to get smooth skin with two passes with virtually no pressure, and the result is no irritation. Also managed to get smooth skin places I could only get stubble reduction with the EJ, like my upper lip.

Might need to keep a milder razor around for times when my acne flares up, as I found the Old Type is not at all forgiving when it comes to spots - took the head off the two I have at present. A small price to pay.

The Ingrams smells nice, feels refreshing, but it's very wet. Had to use more to get thick lather. Can't complain for the price though.

Cartridges last week, Single Ring this week. Outstanding. Glad ya like it.


Three Pass Shaving Routine...:cool:

Hot Water prep & massage with Argan Oil
Gem G Bar Junior Lather Catcher
Star Cru Steel Blade
Leon Hardy Pure Badger
Monsavon Bol Tallow Soap
Thayers Original Witch Hazel

I just had the most Wonderful Shave of my Life with My Gem G Bar Junior with an Original Cru Steel Stropping Blade Today..These Blades are just so Darn Comfortable & Smooth as Icing on a Cake..A Current Gem Blade Just isn't Fit to Lick their Boots..The G bar Junior is a Mild razor but with these Original Stropping Blades it about as Twice as Loud as a Current Gem Blade & a Darn Site more Comfortable..:rolleyes:

The G Bar Junior with a Freshly Stropped Cru Steel Blade is more forgiving than a Modern Cardridge Razor..You can literally paint your face with this thing without any Burn or Irritation..The G Bar Junior shaves very well with a Current Gem Blade with a Full Gem Spine as Shim but it aint as Half as Smooth..This works well..But if you want the Best from your G Bar Junior then the Original Cru Blade is the Way to Go with the Traditional Stropping Methods..Around 40 Laps a Side after you shave & you are good to Go..I am using a Stropping Handle here but you can also get a hold of an Ever Ready or Gem 1912 Auto Strop that will Do the same Job..o_O

The Post Shave Feeling with these Cru Steel Blades is Like Velvet..It feels Akin to the feeling after shaving with a Hollow Ground or Wedge Blade..You just cant get this Sorta Feeling with a Current Gem Blade in these Older Stropping Blade SE Razors..If you want the Best from your Older SEs this is the Way to Go..You will Reap the Rewards..I was laughing today when I was shaving with the G Bar Junior because this thing is over a 100 years Old & its more forgiving & Smoother than a Top Dollar Modern Cartridge System..;)

Oh..Yeah..A Darn Site more comfortable & Easier to use than that New-Fangled OneBlade..:D

This monring's shave:

Soap: Palmolive stick
Brush: Simpson Special
Razor: Muhle R41, templ8 handle
Blade: Gillette Super Thin (2)
Post: Alum, witch hazel
A/S: Brut Musk
Balm: Dove
Scent: Dior Homme Intense

The Dior is a sample I had lying around. Not really my normal sort of scent but I've quite enjoyed it throughout the day.
Friday AM 2016-03-04

Georgetown Pottery G20 scuttle
Rooney 3/3 Finest (26mm/60mm)
Acqua di Parma Colonia soft shaving soap
Feather AS-D2/Delta Echo 'Stealth' Feather
Wilkinson London Bridge (7)
Acqua di Genova 1853 aftershave
SOTD - TGIFriday
Soap: Grandstaff "Grapefruit Gardenia"
Brush: Brad Sears custom mesquite 26/50mm 3-band Manchurian bulb
Razor: OneBlade
Blade: Feather FHS SE (2)
Post: Thayer's Original witch hazel, followed by Floïd Blue
I should have known better to push this blade to 2 shaves; rough and blunt ride for a 99-pass acceptable shave (buffing took forever).
This brush could very well be my "deserted island" brush. Fantastic soft tips and face-feel and a handle that fits me like a glove.
Top-notch lather again by the Grandstaff.
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