So...TSR is an online forum....

Surely you mean 'hoss piddle'.

By the way, take no notice of Carl. His vision can be clear - but only because of the high horse he sits on at times.
Surely you mean 'hoss piddle'.

By the way, take no notice of Carl. His vision can be clear - but only because of the high horse he sits on at times.
Actually.... Again I'm southern we add an R to the word but use the T...So it is closer to...'horse pittle'.

A good,proper,southern gentleman!.
As far as accents go don't think any are funny. I am southern...sir. I have traveled around the Real Yankees up north and they say mine is cute...very upsetting.

Howdeee (said in my best Minnie Pearl voice),

I am guessing you gotta hillbilly accent and probably sound like Jed Clampett. Sounds nice from a woman and dumb hick like from a guy. No offense meant of course.

You probably know most of these Limeys have that Cockney thing going and talk like Bert in Mary Poppins.

Y'all have fun here......y'hear?

How on earth could Merkin imagine that anyone would take offense at being told they sound like a dumb hick ? Must be some awffy touchy people in that neck of the woods. It's not like he said that us Scots sound like the Aussie New Yorker Mel G in Braveheart...

JohnnyO. o/
How on earth could Merkin imagine that anyone would take offense at being told they sound like a dumb hick ?
JohnnyO. o/

Hey Johnny, haven't typed at you inna while,

Just making sure the new guy didn't take it the wrong way, being a hillbilly and all. You and me have always been on the same page when it comes to thinking alike.

Thanks for helping out,

Howdeee (said in my best Minnie Pearl voice),

I am guessing you gotta hillbilly accent and probably sound like Jed Clampett. Sounds nice from a woman and dumb hick like from a guy. No offense meant of course.

You probably know most of these Limeys have that Cockney thing going and talk like Bert in Mary Poppins.

Y'all have fun here......y'hear?


No....miles away for the hillbilly accent. That's kind of like me thinking you are Irish.

Top of murroning to yarz!
I think you Brits assume the southern accent hasn't changed in a hundred or so years. This is pretty much a modern Mississippi accent like mine.
He sounds pretty much as I remember the mangling last time I was there. Without context, I couldn't understand half the words he said! English? I don't think so!

I love a guy who doesn't know when to stop digging!
I think you Brits assume the southern accent hasn't changed in a hundred or so years. This is pretty much a modern Mississippi accent like mine.


You gotta excuse me for having a little fun and glad to see you don't mind the twisted humor. Actually, I have relatives from your state and they sound pretty normal almost all the time. I think the stronger accent has to do with certain various whereabouts.

I also know people who grew up in Chicago and moved one state south to the far southern part of Indiana near Kentucky and they DO sound like hillbillies which is funny to hear from their mouths.

Carl, you are probably not familiar with the Jewish bootleggers and other gangsters from the 20s. Try looking up The Purple Gang and also Murder, Inc. Nice Jewish boys for the most part.
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He sounds pretty much as I remember the mangling last time I was there. Without context, I couldn't understand half the words he said! English? I don't think so!

I love a guy who doesn't know when to stop digging!
Don't feel bad. I only understood about half the words too, and I'm American.
But I pronounce New Oreleans, "New Orleans" not "Neuw Owwlens."
He sounds pretty much as I remember the mangling last time I was there. Without context, I couldn't understand half the words he said! English? I don't think so!

I love a guy who doesn't know when to stop digging!
So is this any better to you?

Ryan, I don't understand any of this so we are even, my friend. @PLANofMAN
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