So...TSR is an online forum....

Bugs me too.
It seems nearly every scientist or researcher has to answer most questions with "So, ...". Sometimes when someone's being interviewed on the radio both the interviewer and interviewee start each sentence with "so".
It's definitely catching on. I think "so", at the beginning of a sentence, should be used as in "therefore" meaning that you are explaining on from what has just been discussed and therefore naturally follows. Just sticking it in at the beginning of a speech sounds like I've missed out on something, like - "So, my name is John Doe" - really? that's how you got your name?
"So" used to pause for thought who be excusable but it's said so quickly these days that it's just another throw-away sound adding to the background noise of plain speech. It joins the ranks of "like", "super" and "oh my god" of which over-use has made them meaningless.
I was watching an old western the other day and someone said "doggonest". Now that's a word that needs to be used more often!
So Katya was just explaining to me that no-one speaks the English she is learning at College - so I'll put her wise to chucking extraneous 'so's into her conversation.

The use of 'do' to set tense and then adding a participle is my bugbear - but not as much as removing hard consonants from speech, even more than Americans. Actually, my main moan is young people - they are so young and unformed. And young.
May I be permitted to add my most sincere agreement with the OP's sentiment expressed here?

Boy, does it annoy me ! (?) (Uncertain if that was a statement or a question). Not sure whether the use of the, now ubiquitous, upturned inflection annoys me fact, yes, it does annoy me more, therefore to have the two irritations in one sentence is doubly intolerable.

Youngsters (although not just teenagers) are, of course, the guilty parties most of the time but it seems to be universal now and I see no hope for the human race.

It's just a matter of time before someone tells me to "get a life" and stop being concerned by such trivia. But I SO get annoyed at the use of "So" at the commencement of every sentence....... and the the use of the "So" word as I just used it there...I So dislike it!
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