Show us your slants

Nice slants you've got, gentlemen!

I only have one... still unused I must say...

I present to you my "Ghost" Fasan slant... if you can see it, I mean...



Nice one. Weird things, these transparent razors. I actually have trouble getting the transparent topplate of my bonsa on the transparent bottemplate. Do you notice similar problems with this one?
Nice slants you've got, gentlemen!

I only have one... still unused I must say...

I present to you my "Ghost" Fasan slant... if you can see it, I mean...




I've used one of these and it's a shame to get soap scum in the handle as rather tricky to clean and look good. Hopefully my see through blue one will hide any water and soap marks.

Use it if the OCD isn't too bad as it's a cracking razor and so easy to use being lightweight
I've used one of these and it's a shame to get soap scum in the handle as rather tricky to clean and look good. Hopefully my see through blue one will hide any water and soap marks.

Use it if the OCD isn't too bad as it's a cracking razor and so easy to use being lightweight

Ha! Thanks! I think I'll use it. I think I'm not a collector... just an user... I think...

So you've got a Blue one! They are nice! But they are getting pricier... I got mine for 23 euros IIRC...
Just had my first shave with this weird looking thing...


Merkur 37c. Very nice indeed. Smooth, comfortable and close. I like it a lot even after one shave.
I found it's biggest asset was shaving ATG. Effortless. I like the weight as well and the finish
is good enough. Worked well with a GSB. I reckon this is a keeper. My first slant shave then.
Easy enough.
Just had my first shave with this weird looking thing...


Merkur 37c. Very nice indeed. Smooth, comfortable and close. I like it a lot even after one shave.
I found it's biggest asset was shaving ATG. Effortless. I like the weight as well and the finish
is good enough. Worked well with a GSB. I reckon this is a keeper. My first slant shave then.
Easy enough.
This razor shout heritage, basically its in production for so long (way before the Gillette adjustable me think) that they really got it to a T. Congratulations, for me it was a revelation and its still what I use 90% of the time.
The revelation for me was against the grain mate. I don't have the coarsest growth for sure and I'm fortunate in that it gets softer as it gets longer. In that respect I can get a great shave with just about anything even with a weeks growth. But after all the beard reduction comes the AGT stroke, on those tiny short hard stubbles and that's where this razor shone for me. Effortless and comfortable.

Also worth mentioning the build quality. It feels like brass to me, or some other steel, but not Zamak. I like it and IMO it's good value for money.
This just came out of the ultrasonic bath. Looks great and I'll road test it later in the week.

At first glance the head looks a lot like the new Fine slant mentioned elsewhere. It only weighs 25 grams too.
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