Short SE summary?

Well, in summary I am an SE convert for sure.
I prefer them to DEs I think because they are a more solid blade. Less twanging about.
Each time I have tried a bit more aggressive or a bit sharper, there is a slight improvement.
I have ended up using the Pal injectomatic and the Pal adjustable on max.
Each time was a bit better.
Sharper = better it seems to me.
Just slight improvements each time.
Then I have been working on my soaps.
A decent soap definitely gives a better shave.
It actually cuts easier.
So, I have got the soaps that I am most happy with now. Great.

Next step is to try the twin blades.
First I tried the Japanese ones.
For the first time since I started, here is something that actually cuts the stubble without catching and dragging
I couldn't believe the difference.
I have a couple of areas that go in all directions and these just sliced straight through the area like it was
normal stubble. Awesome.
I normally have to tease at it from all angles.

Then the NOS ones, they seem almost not quite as good, but I need to do some direct comparisons.
I have only used one so far.

The trouble is, the cost.
The Japanese ones really are only good for one shave. Then they seem blunt.
The second shave just isn't as good. Wheras the NOS seem not quite as good but last a bit longer.

Trouble is, having the luxury of not tugging is hard to give up.
Well, I need to try them for longer, but they are definitely a step above anything else I have tried.
See if I can make them last out.

What I would like to try is a more aggressive razor as the only ones that you can use a twin in are quite mild.
I am excited to try the bunny with the twin blades, that is for sure.

I wonder if I can buy a pallet of twin blades? How much would they be then?
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