Short SE summary?

It was a new blade and felt harsh' from the outset but I was determined to complete 3 passes. Just think I like a less aggressive razor - my PB is a fave.
A new blade shouldn't feel harsh in an OCMM...The OCMM was the first SE that was designed for the current Gem SE blade...Gem blades are not harsh...Its either down to user technique or the fact that the Older SEs were designed to take a more rigid stropping blade with a thicker spine..This can be largely overcome by a shim..o_O

I'll try again once my face has settled down a bit. Like you say probably my technique needs honing.
The OCMM & the Gem Clog Pruf are the exact same razor...The Clog Pruf is a closed comb/guard variant is all...The OCMM is not as easy to use however ..It demands a lot of skill to use the OCMM...They both are equally aggressive shavers but the OCMM can take the face off you because there is no protection from the Open Comb design...This is where it gets it reputation from...The OCMM like using a straight razor is just not for everybody...I don't fall into the camp that its a more aggressive razor...They both shave the same..Like a straight it can just be more dangerous ...Like the difference between a child's bike with or without stabilizers ..:D

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Whoa. Silver, gold. Wow. Go on, dig em out. Any chance of a picture?
I liked mine. (just plain worn)
I think it was my favourite SE.
Then I got injectors. I want to revisit them SEs again.
I need to remember (I mean ask Billy) which ones need shims again and write it down this time.
Ah hah. I have found it.
So, I have a 1912 UK, 1912 US, 1924 and a GEM MMOC.
The MMOC was designed with the current blade in mind. The others can use a shim.
(I have written that down)
My bad ........ It was bugging me, so I dragged the cupboard out to look at it and, sure enough, the gold tone I have isn't an OC ........ It's a Bullet Tip......... Still has the little gold instruction cards in the razor and blade holder ..... And a bunch of 'Reversible Blades' ......
My bad ........ It was bugging me, so I dragged the cupboard out to look at it and, sure enough, the gold tone I have isn't an OC ........ It's a Bullet Tip......... Still has the little gold instruction cards in the razor and blade holder ..... And a bunch of 'Reversible Blades' ......
The Bullet Tip is a lovely Razor...It gets the reputation of being very mild ...Its certainly not the most aggressive SE around but this SE can be dialled in to offer an Awesome Shave...This razor is very Subtle ...I would Go as far as suggesting that most folks wont even be putting their Toe in the Water with the Bullet Tip never mind anything else...I used to think it was Milder than the Gem G Bar & Featherweight...I couldn't have been more wrong...This is a Thinkin mans SE..:D

Look at the baseplates ...

When the Micromatic Bullet Tip was released, that baseplate was the staple until the very end of ASR, possibly into the '80s. It's the same baseplate that was adopted by the Flying Wing, the Push Button, the Featherweight and the Contour. There were no other designs after the Bullet Tip (for GEM). Treet? Okay, Bullet Tip with a Clog Proof comb and a 1912 flip top head. Razor by committee. Good, mind. Streamline? Yeah, GEM borrowed that one.
Right, so that is my SEs lined up.
I shall give them a good run each and consider them.

So, with injectors, there are a bunch more factors eh?
I have generally been using my Injectomatic. It seems the best to me so far.
But It seems that I am missing some tricks here.

It appears that I need to try Schick twin blades right? (If I can find some)
Also there is the Dutch schick with dutch schick blades combo.
Also, wasn't there schick platinum injector blades?

I am right in thinking that these NOS options are better (read here sharper/efficient/aggressive) right?
(Obviously YMMV and all that)
There is no YMMV an all that when it comes down to NOS blades...The fact of the matter is current injector blades don't look near any injector blade from the 60s & 70s...A Cut down Feather Pro is the only one that does.. Wither folks like them or not is another matter but most folks would rather spend hundreds of pounds on a stainless razor, shaving brushes & soaps than invest in the best blades that were ever made in the world from yesteryear..:eek:

Dutch made Schick injectors & blades are best of the best...They actually make USA Made Injectors & blades like clones..The difference has to be experienced...:D

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