Shave of the Day w/c Saturday 17th April 2010

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Morning Fellas


Futur (1)
Red Personna (1)
No name Badger
Speick Cream <-------- this is the "one"
Aqua Velva
Zirh balm

Not as close as usual but I wasn't aiming for close today, Im aiming for more comfortable in a bid to rid myself of razor burn/rash. The Red Personna seemed to work better in my Futur than the Feather but still keeping the razor at 1, should I try higher or will that exacerbate the burn/rash?

Speick cream is nothing short of marvelous I have never used a cream that works as well on every level as this.............. it's hoarding time methinks.

Morning all. In light of Pig Cats observation yesterday about a possible lurker seing this thread and having no idea.....i shall elaborate today :D

Merkur "Futur" Adjustable DE Razor. Set on setting 2.5
Shaving Shack DE Blade. 3rd time of use (and last with this particular blade).
SWK Scuttle - A bowl within a bowl for creating the shaving lather. The outer bowl is filled with hot water, thus keeping the lather warm throughout the shave.
Mühle Pure Badger, 'nuff said i think...
Tabac Shaving Soap
Alum Block on wet face
Tabac After Shave
Henk's Bay Rum Aftershave Balm.

I think i eliminated the jargon in that?
Not a bad shave, though i think i was a tad over enthusiastic, and perhaps used some pressure, as my neck is a touch sore. That and i think that is the last shave with that particular blade.
Have a nice weekend gents.

Flare tip Rocket
no name ebay badger brush
Nanny's silly Eucalyptus & Tea Tree
Boots tea tree and witch hazel
old spice fresh lime/nivea asb

First use of the Eucalyptus & Tea Tree ,very good first impression. One or two little nicks , slightly distracted by my 3 year old 'quizmaster' son , asking a million questions.The Old spice fresh lime face numbingly good.
Still had a DFS .
Bic Sensitive Razor
Semogue 1305 Brush
Old spice Shaving Soap
Old Spice Aftershave

Going fishing now. First time this year. Been too cold.

'66 Gillette Superspeed
EJ Best Badger
Trumper's Rose Soap
D.R. Harris Pink a/s
Floris No 89 edt

Then out to the post office to pick up goodies :)

andyjreid said:
should I try higher or will that exacerbate the burn/rash?

I have found the Futur easier to use on 3 rather than 1 or 2. I suspect that maybe '3' suits my natural shaving angle better. With a Personna, I think it would be worth trying on 2 for your next shave, as Personnas are a forgiving blade. Just watch that pressure, though.


Merkur 39C Sledgehammer
Dorco ST-300 (2)
Omega 80056
RSC Cream
Knight AS

A jolly good shave with the Dorco, these are nice and smooth and give me a close shave :shave .

Have a spiffing day Chaps.

Merkur 38c
New Shark blade
Nannys Citrus Zinger soap
GFT Super Badger brush
Gillette ASB.
Very good shave no nicks (for a change !), but am having a bit of a problem getting a creamy lather using the bowl the soap comes in it seems a bit thin ? Any suggestions from you guys as to what I might be doing wrong? Would I be better using my usual bowl or applying it direct to the brush with my fingers and face lathering? !st time using an Alum block today stings a bit but clears up the bit of razor burn I had. Getting to like these Shark blades tho..... :D
Remember I have only being using a DE razor for just over a month or so so still learning.
Fantastic day in London the sun is out and all is well in my world......... :lol:
Andy, i also get irritation from the Futur. I am still experimenting. Two points of focus for me: good prep and not shave very often, if possible. I think if you work the pressure ok at 2 or 2 1/2, and since as Ian correctly said that the red personna is forgiving, the other possible factor would (to me) be the soap or creme. As said, i am still experimenting myself.

Edit: forgot to say that it may be that if the skin is generally so sensitive, this is why we may have to shave as less often as possible. Of course this is not always achievable, but from my personal experience I have had the best shaves (i.e. almost no irritation at all) after three and more days of stubble growth.

Merkur 23c
Feather (3rd shave)
Vulfix No.5 Pure Bristle
Tabac stick
Jasper Conran Man balm
Tabac AS

Surprisingly good 3rd shave out of the Feather. Still trying to go easy on my face as the area between lower lip & chin is still suffering from a pluke outbreak, so this was a quick 2-pass plus one touch-up area shave. A decent result, all things considered. Trying to break the cheap Vulfix in - bought a month or so back but until this week it was only used once (or was it twice?).

'66 Superspeed
EJ Best Badger
D.R. Harris Pink a/s
Trumper's Bay Rum Cologne**

*Weird stuff. Great lather, but only if I can used to the marzipan scent.
**I really like this. Only had a sample previously, but now have 50ml courtesy of andyjreid.


Merkur 39C Sledgehammer
Trig Silver Edge SS
Kent VS30
Palmolive (milled into a bowl)
One Planet AB
Deep Blue AS

A real surprise the Trig was, first pass I thought I hadn't put a blade in, real quite, checked and it was there. a real nice smooth shave from this blade :D . I think with the Sledge you can have a good shave with any blade provided you have tamed the beast :shock: .

Have a jolly spiffing day Chaps.


Beautiful down at Lymington Quay today after a fine shave and a great Grand Prix - who says F1 is dull?


This new bowl works a treat. The small DR Harris Rose blob soon exploded into great lather with a little help from the Rooney 1/2 Finest. It costs too much but is still a great cream brush. Sumptuous.

After my second favourite team got a last second winner yesterday, I wonder if Pompey can upset the odds again today? Much to pack in before the next shave
Wahl no guard on, head clippers :D
merkur futur 3 setting
Feather blade
mama bears dragons blood soap
mama bears asb dragons blood(all gone gutted)
What a shave best to the mama bear soaps feel so slick and lather superbly.
Feel ike a new man...
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