S.O.T.D. Saturday 7th - Friday 13th March 2015, incl.

Prep: Hot Shower
Pre: Murdock Avalon oil
Soap: Grandstaff - Illipe & Cocoa Butter
Bowl: Woodhead Pedestal
Brush: Muhle 23mm Kosmo synthetic
Razor: Merkur Progress @2, 1.5, 1.5
Blade: Sputnik (2)
After: Floid Black AS, Bluebeard's Revenge ASB

My favourite soap this morning, it's got a kind of masculine cocoa/chocolate scent. Great stuff.
My Progress's raincoat seems to dry out by the time I used it the next day, so I might not need to fill it with silicone afterall.

Palmolive Stick
Omega 49
Gillette Tech on Custom Stainless Handle
Astor Blade [1]
Blue Stratos AS
BS MR Face protector


Lovely shave with the Tech, very smooth blade the Astor. A very easy ATG pass too, not many razors allow and ATG for me....​
wed 11th March

Pre wash- Neutrogena Glyc soap
Victoria P/B Brush
La Toja Cream
ER Streamline
Gem S/S [ 6 ]
Alum Rub/Rinse off
La Toja A/S lotion

Even on blade use 6,the Streamline [ for me ] with some work delivers perhaps this weeks best shave, using different razors.
fancontroller said:
rowlers said:

That's a fine looking handle you've got there, Lee. It matches really well with the Tech head. Is it wider in the middle than the ends? I can't quite tell from the photo.
I take it that it is one your Dad made?
Cheers, yeah it's one my dad made, the other I pinched off him is going to a new home before I even tried it!
The handle is slim at about 10mm and straight. I'm sure there could be variations in thickness if required though ;)
It is nice and grippy too considering it is polished. I think I need some new heads to go with the variety of handles I can choose from! [emoji15]
Only my 4th week and something of an epiphany; probably beginner's luck but one lives in hope. My first borderline DFS/BBS with only two passes - marvellous.

Prep: Aleppo soap
Cream: Edwin Jagger Sandalwood cream
Brush: EJ Best
Razor: EJ DE89
Blade: New BIC chrome, first trial of this after trying Derby, Wilkinson, SuperMax Blue
After: EJ sandalwood lotion

Still taking the rough edges off my face but great shave for a great day! :icon_cheesygrin:
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