S.O.T.D. Saturday 6th May to Friday 12th May 2017

Prep: Cella Prebarba Gel
Bowl: Fine
Soap: LASSC Santa Monica Bay Rum (Sample)
Brush: Rubberset 400-3 with Nathan Clark Envy White Knot
Razor: Schick Type F
Blade: Schick
Post: Alum Rub
AS: Pinaud Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum

Best Regards
That razor is F nice :)
Evening chaps!
Came home 24 hrs early from our break in Dorset, great time but it's always lovely to be home.
Treated myself to a nice shave and shower once the caravan was stowed away etc.
Decided on a cream again, only because it's not had an outing for a while and I'm slightly in danger of going tallow hard soap exclusive.
However it produced a good lather and fairly slick with a good aroma.
The brush really does look awful but I'm still drawn to it?
Cut myself up a bit cross the grain on my throat, so first experience of trying alum as the blood was quite dramatic :)
Grosvenor brush
Eton college soap
R89 razor
Nacet blade #2
Alum stick
Body shop as moisturizer/balm
Tabac under arm stick
Parfums de Marley,s Herod.

Prep: Hot shower, Nivea face scrub and L'Oreal charcoal face wash
Razor: The General
Razor blade: Proline
Brush: Elite Manchurian
Bowl: Little Wren Pottery
Cream: BBA sample
Post: Thayers witch hazel and Fine Platinum A/S

Had a break from the Supply today. I only shaved with it yesterday but felt like needed another shave before I go back to work. I don't like to shave everyday if I can help it. My skin can become tender if I shave every day.

Really wanted to go back to The General. It's on loan from @Acer89 aka James at the moment. I'll have to send it back soon so wanted to get another shave with it.
Really enjoyed using it and I didn't find the weight an issue, which is something I was concerned about the last time I used it.

Used the BBA shaving cream for the first time. A good cream, nice cologne scent, enough slickness and can take some water. Would prefer more cushion though.

The razor, the brush. Classy Rob...;)
Sunday AM 2017-05-07

Georgetown Pottery G20 Scuttle (Hamada and Purple)
Rooney 2/1 Faux Horn Finest (21mm/53mm)
Martin de Candre shaving soap
Delta Echo Black Chrome-Nickel Feather AS-D2/Triad Satin Aristocrat
Gillette Platinum 'Swede' (1)
Houbigant Yama aftershave (vintage)

Usually my vintage blades are just bit rough on first use, even after hand stropping, but this one was very smooth from the first stroke. During the month between each use of the Martin de Candre, I tend to forget what wonderful lather it produces, so it always is like a great new discovery.
A different league.....Bear in mind I've very limited experience of either.

I've only used the Feather Pro three times but found them to be a little rough, nothing major and they did smooth out but they left my face feeling raw. This could be down to a few things though. My first use of an AC type blade and SE razor.

I tried the Proline next and loved them straight away, very smooth and sharp.

I have used the Kai Captain mild and really liked it to.
I will put a Proline in the General and see if it's love at first shave. Thanks Rob.
Sun 7th May

RazoRock Plissoft 22mm
Gem Damaskeene 1912
Gem coated [ 4 ]
Alum Rub/Rinse off
Tabac A/S Lotion

A nice change from the Modern SE s used in the last week, brought out the Tiny Damaskeene. As I have not used it for some time, was initially quite wary and had forgotten what a smooth and comfortable shaver it is. By using relativelyshort strokes I was able to get a good all round close shave, though not ultra close. It has to be the best of the 1912 flock.

7 05 17b.jpg

Great line up to start the week. Route 66 High Mountain Mist is an uplifting, herbal aroma of spearmint and eucalyptus topped with light notes of bright citrus, softened with hints of woods and sage. Long lasting, slick lather with protective cushion and glide along with soothing post shave conditioning makes this a great shave soap.

Razor: Gillette Goodwill
Blade: Feather (1)
Brush: Oscar 11 w/ Omega 10049
Soap: Route 66 High Mountain Mist
Aftershave: Myrsol Blue
SOTD:7th May 2017.
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Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: hot shower:/Cien~Men: Tropical blast Shower Gel & Shampoo / warm wet flannel to my face.


Freshwood Brushless Shave Cream .

Brush: Franks Shaving-20mm Synthetic.

Bowl Lather.

Cream: Proraso Euc/Mnthol.(sample size)

Blade: Derby Extra .(O) / Voskhod(0)

Razor:Merkur 34C .

Warm wet flannel/ cold wet flannel to rinse my face.


Peppermint Oil & Witch Hazel Mixture./Brut:Attraction totale A/S.

Aloe Vera gel .


After yesterday's wonderful shave...

I've learn't something today, that Derby blades have shown me
why they have got such a bad reputation....

In the past i've got along fine with them,today i started my shave with the blade that i used yesterday, the first pass was fine, then on the second pass, it started to feel tuggy and resulted in giving me a rather nasty nick and some weepers on the bottom right hand side corner of my mouth...

i instantly stopped,got my faithful alum block, applied it to the nick. stinging like a illegitimate for a few seconds..but stopped the bleeding..i then changed the blade with a fresh one,..which didn't make no difference to the shave at all..

So i ended up swapping it for a Voshkod blade, that i know pairs up well with my 34C ..and carried on
with the shave which went to plan with no more nicks or weepers..

Let me say i don't expect to get a pedantically perfect 10 out of 10 shave, each time i shave..its part of the shaving fun that we are all going to get the odd nick & weepers from time to time,.. but i haven't had a nasty nick for along time, this has only
happened with Derby Extra blades.
Yesterday's shave went to plan, and i've used a derby in my 34C before without any problems..

My gut feeling tells me me not to Shave with Derby extra's again...they are the only blades that i've finally had problems with, i bought them when i first started DE shaving because they where cheap, and didn't know any better..i suppose every
DE shaver has fell down the same rabbit hole.

"You live and learn,.sometimes with a biting sting"

i've now disposed of the remaining 60+ Derby extras once bitten, and all that.."..Prevention, rather than cure..

I considered doing a PIF with them on TSR, but this would be a dangerous insult to TSR members, to pass on a unpredictable intermittent dangerous pile of shite. Pardon my choice of words Readers...

The shave wasn't all "doom & gloom" the other items i used,made it a pleasurable one.;)

Enjoy your sunday,ladies & gentlemen.:cool:
I remember getting a sampler pack with my 34C in the days of starting out. Derbys were amongst them. I popped one in as part of my first ever DE experience and came second in the local Freddy Krueger lookalike contest. It nearly put me off DE shaving.

Moving on to Personna Israeli Reds restored my faith. Smooth and safe; albeit somewhat mild. Gillette 7 o' Clocks and Feathers complement the 34C now. Mileage and all that but, for what it's worth, I don't rate Derbys at all.
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Great line up to start the week. Route 66 High Mountain Mist is an uplifting, herbal aroma of spearmint and eucalyptus topped with light notes of bright citrus, softened with hints of woods and sage. Long lasting, slick lather with protective cushion and glide along with soothing post shave conditioning makes this a great shave soap.

Razor: Gillette Goodwill
Blade: Feather (1)
Brush: Oscar 11 w/ Omega 10049
Soap: Route 66 High Mountain Mist
Aftershave: Myrsol Blue
Loving that bowl, how many do you have? :)
+ 1 on the Gillette 7 o' Clocks..i assume you mean(yellow sharpedge)?...superb blades, i've yet to try feathers..at first i didn't have any issues with Derbys .but today took me by surprise, i don't get complacent when i'm shaving...but it looked as though i'd had a roll around with next doors ginger tom,and came off worse this morning!!.It hasn't gave me second thoughts of giving up DE shaving..if anything, it's made me appreciate and enjoy that DE shaving is a wonderful experience..if you get my meaning.Regards.
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