S.O.T.D. Saturday 22nd October to Friday 28th October 2016

Pot of the day...
This is a pot I keep my surplus Albion in...my WW1 pot is a little too small. It's a Queen Elizabeth Silver Jubilee commemorative...so Albion seemed right for it!

The shave: Hot shower and Proraso White pre-shave / Phoenix & Beau Albion, The Duke / Merkur 37C Slant + Nacet(1) / Coal Tar soap wash, cold rinse + alum / D.R. Harris Arlington AS splash + Nivea balm

Nice traditional shave! Happy shaving folks (getting closer to the end of the pots now, you may be relieved to hear!);):):)
Absolutement! (As Rimmer might say) Cool Water is one of those classic scents (I think of it like a successor to...wait for it...Old Spice, but over-priced if you know what I mean. Old Spice is a trusty true classic with a great scent that has been devalued by one scene in Silence of the Lambs! Cool Water is a great scent that is overpriced based on modern marketing. I will always have a bottle of Cool Water because I have so may AS splashes that it will last me for years in the rotation. But Old Spice is a collector's piece (at least the original is)...and I'm willing to pay more for the original than the modern Cool Water! (Am I losing it completely?):(:confused::oops::rolleyes:o_O
I'm with you on the original old spice,
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Kanayama 50000 / Dubl Duck Special No.1 / Paladin PK-47 / PannaCrema Nuavia Verde / Fine Fresh Vetiver
Great soap you have there.
Evening/Morning/Afternoon all

Lorèal Men's Face Wash
Tabac Soap
Semogue 1520 boar
Face Lather
Schick 'Golden 500' SE
Schick Injector SE #1 (China)
Thayer's and Tabac a/s

Great and so-so. Tabac soap, brush, razor and a/s great. The Chinese Schick blades are too mild for the 500, which is rather mild anyway. Not as close as I'd like, but I'd be asking for trouble if I kept buffing. Strange, the Chinese Schicks give a tremendous shave in my beloved G8.

So, for next time, I've loaded one of the nos Schick with Krona Edge blades that came with the 500. I'm also reliably informed that the Personna Injectors (white plastic dispenser) work well with the 500 (thank you @Fergiebilly ), so I have a bunch of those.

Tabac...it really is the canine's knackerbag, isn't it?

Be well, folks.

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Its got to be shulton old spice, I am lucky enough to have an old bottle of the stuff but don't use it much because it's getting very hard to find and when you do the seller wants an arm and a leg from you!!!
I've also got two original pucks of shaving soap, again, I don't use it much for the same reasons, but when I do have a real old spice shave I savor every moment of it ! :)
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Pot of the day...
Decided not to do any more pots...got too many and tbh I'm starting to feel like it to could go on for ever and bore the hell out of everyone. If I'm really honest, I think many of the original branded pots that soaps are sold in are really cool and iconic and therefore shouldn't be messed with. My next POTD was going to be my second Spitfire, and then my third sailing ship, and then Omega...but just look at the standard pot and label: cool in itself...same for Blue's soap in its 'boot polish' tin and simple label...can't be improved on. In future I am going to use my pots for my own interest and not try to suggest they are any more than a personal fad. Maybe one more post, particularly in respect to TSR, but I need to move on to other things, ya'll. One more post in honour of TSR, then I want to move on. My last post will be Baskerville...when it turns up!
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