S.O.T.D. Saturday 20th August to Friday 26th August 2016

SOTD August 21, 2016

Pre: Proraso white preshave cream
Razor: Griffon "Carbo Magnetic"
Soap: Cella
Brush: Simpsons Special
Post: Witch Hazel / Jack Black Post Shave Cooling Gel
This razor is so sharp and so smooth. I am certain it is the magnetic qualities that make it a stellar performer! I thought it was appropriate to use a Magneto comic book as the background.:)
Interesting shave this morning (at around 1am)...
Wanted to try 1912 Russian Leather and accompanying AS splash, so I decided it would be appropriate to use my English Pewter Company '1914' Silver Tip. I started with the Fat Boy with Derby blade (2nd use) but found I am still forever having to re-tighten the bay doors. Overall, I found the experience not so good. The soap seemed a bit thin too. So I switched over to my Braveheart/EJDE89 with a new Voskhod and the experience was totally different.

I am now firmly an EJ89 user...no other razor has come close but the Merkur 34C...

However...a major gripe with the 1912 splash:
There is no regulator in the mouth of the bottle. I tried to poor just a little out very carefully, but still ended up with 2 to 3 times more aftershave than I wanted. At this rate I will get no more than a dozen uses out of a single bottle. I make that close on £1 a shave, just for the splash...it's nice but not that nice.

I won't be buying Wickham's AS again until they fit regulators!

(I bought a bottle of the 1912 Citrus Musk AS and a pot of the soap too, so I've done enough for now)

Still need to use the soap a few more times to draw any conclusion about it.

Finished off with some Bulldog balm...very nice;)

Interesting shave this morning (at around 1am)...
Wanted to try 1912 Russian Leather and accompanying AS splash, so I decided it would be appropriate to use my English Pewter Company '1914' Silver Tip. I started with the Fat Boy with Derby blade (2nd use) but found I am still forever having to re-tighten the bay doors. Overall, I found the experience not so good. The soap seemed a bit thin too. So I switched over to my Braveheart/EJDE89 with a new Voskhod and the experience was totally different.

I am now firmly an EJ89 user...no other razor has come close but the Merkur 34C...

However...a major gripe with the 1912 splash:
There is no regulator in the mouth of the bottle. I tried to poor just a little out very carefully, but still ended up with 2 to 3 times more aftershave than I wanted. At this rate I will get no more than a dozen uses out of a single bottle. I make that close on £1 a shave, just for the splash...it's nice but not that nice.

I won't be buying Wickham's AS again until they fit regulators!

(I bought a bottle of the 1912 Citrus Musk AS and a pot of the soap too, so I've done enough for now)

Still need to use the soap a few more times to draw any conclusion about it.

Finished off with some Bulldog balm...very nice;)

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I totally agree there needs to be a regulator fitted, it's a luxury product and therefore you want it too last! I've decanted some of mine into a vaporiser bottle, I've also invested in a dropper bottle, much more cost effective! Great fragrance though

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Sunday 21 August 2016


Mastro Livi Club Razor 2016 CarboInox, 7/8 Full Hollow, Spanish Point

The great moment has finally come and I could shave with the long awaited Mastro Livi Club Razor 2016 edition, a magnificent straight razor, a pure and exquisite masterpiece, just another superlative work from Mastro Livi. Yesterday I received a phone call from Mastro Livi and he told me I could go to his laboratory and pick up my club razor. It has been an exciting day, not only for the club razor, but also for the launch of the new Mastro Livi website, completely new and loaded with lots of information about this revered craftsman, in particular the story of his family and his professional career. As for the club razor, it is a superb shaver, giving the usual velvety and close shave a Mastro Livi CarboInox is capable of giving. Superb straight razor, superb shave!​

  • Pre-Shave: RazorGuy Pre-Shave Oil
  • Soap: Aguzzeria del Cavallo
  • Brush: Mastro Livi Bristle, Padouk Handle, 26mm knot
  • Bowl: Mastro Livi Olive Wood Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Medium Loom Strop "Coramella Italiana" and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi Club Razor 2016 CarboInox, 7/8 Full Hollow, Spanish Point
  • Post-Shave: Alum Block
  • Post-Shave: Umbrian Extravirgin Olive Oil
  • After Shave: Brut
Sunday 21 August 2016


Mastro Livi Club Razor 2016 CarboInox, 7/8 Full Hollow, Spanish Point

The great moment has finally come and I could shave with the long awaited Mastro Livi Club Razor 2016 edition, a magnificent straight razor, a pure and exquisite masterpiece, just another superlative work from Mastro Livi. Yesterday I received a phone call from Mastro Livi and he told me I could go to his laboratory and pick up my club razor. It has been an exciting day, not only for the club razor, but also for the launch of the new Mastro Livi website, completely new and loaded with lots of information about this revered craftsman, in particular the story of his family and his professional career. As for the club razor, it is a superb shaver, giving the usual velvety and close shave a Mastro Livi CarboInox is capable of giving. Superb straight razor, superb shave!​

  • Pre-Shave: RazorGuy Pre-Shave Oil
  • Soap: Aguzzeria del Cavallo
  • Brush: Mastro Livi Bristle, Padouk Handle, 26mm knot
  • Bowl: Mastro Livi Olive Wood Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Medium Loom Strop "Coramella Italiana" and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi Club Razor 2016 CarboInox, 7/8 Full Hollow, Spanish Point
  • Post-Shave: Alum Block
  • Post-Shave: Umbrian Extravirgin Olive Oil
  • After Shave: Brut
A masterpiece.
Prep - Noxzema / Hot towel
Pre shave - Proraso
Razor – ‘The Rock' (Rockwell 6S - Plate 3)
Blade – Gillette Silver Blue
Brush - 'Papa Chub' (Chubby 3 Manchurian)
Soap – Phoenix and Beau Unscented
Post - Witch Hazel

Sublime... one of those shaves where everything just goes right.. 'The Rock' + GSB is just so smooth and efficient... WTG, ATG, and a touch up pass, and I'm wonderfully BBS. In fact, it was that enjoyable that I lathered up, and did another pass, just for shits and giggles..
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