Review: Timeless Razor's OC model

Thanks Darkbulb..Really enjoyed reading your impressions on the TR OC..and have been following this thread with interest.

The razor certainly looks great, over the years I have generally preferred SB razors (Wolfman, Rockwell, Merkur) but your findings have made me curious of the TR OC.

Thanks to TR for doing their best at bringing down the price of the OC as well.
So rather pronounced blade feel, like around the #7-8 Gillette scale I think you said before. But it's comfortable to you eh? Sounds forgiving too, which is surprising from what you said about how it seems ready to bite but doesn't.

The razors used most by me are real mild ones with a sharp blade. Either a Fatboy/Executive dialed to #4 or a Stahly head stuck on various longer type handles....those would be my favorite two razors.

From what you've said, it sounds like there's a fair bit of difference between those and the open comb here.

It's near impossible to say how a razor will work for someone else. The OC might honestly feel too aggressive for you but I obviously can't know for sure.
I would say though that the blade does absolutely 'feel' more pronounced than it does in a Stahly or FB on 4.
Well...they do offer a 30 day money back guarantee and I believe they are in Ohio which is practically next door to you ;)
DB how would you relate this to the Wolfman?

The Wolfman I have is the WR-1 DC (made slightly more aggressive than stock) w/ the WRH7 handle.

If I would compare the two I'd do it based on - shave, head, handle and overall quality/machining.
(Please note that the below is obviously super subjective...and that I'm limited to having experienced ONE set of handles of heads from each)

I'd rate the WR a '7' on a Slim (after having had James increase the gap a tad) and I'd rate the TR OC an 8.
So slightly more 'blade' feel but also slightly more efficient than the Wolfman.

Head: TR is more audible and gives, I believe, a more efficient/closer shave than my WR - but we are really talking about fine, fine differences here. One thing I like about the TR is that it takes quite a bit before it need to be rinsed off.

Handle: Here the WR handle wins hands down. The knurling is 'softer' and feels more 'premium'. I also prefer the length and appearance more.
Note: I don't have any of the other WR handles to compare to (only the WRH7) and apparenly TR is coming out with a new handle design down the road.

Overall Quality/Machining:
When it comes to the head it's almost too close to call.
Both of these two companies are producing some of the best machined heads I've ever seen and used (ok, I do love my Tradere as well but they are not around any more :) ).
If I had to pick a "winner" I might go with TR due to the extra creativity and visual appeal. It is just plain gorgeous in person.
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High efficiency paired with direct blade feel and accoustic feedback reminds me to the Blackbird.

How compare these 2 razors?

Both Timeless versions are by far not cheap but I like to look of them and acc. the pictures the craftmanship seems top notch.
What about the extra handle design? How does it look and what about availibility? With only one handle design in stock a head only option would perhaps attract people.

Regards Marco
High efficiency paired with direct blade feel and accoustic feedback reminds me to the Blackbird.

How compare these 2 razors?

Both Timeless versions are by far not cheap but I like to look of them and acc. the pictures the craftmanship seems top notch.
What about the extra handle design? How does it look and what about availibility? With only one handle design in stock a head only option would perhaps attract people.

Regards Marco

Maybe @Timelessrazor can provide some insight into upcoming offerings? :)
Looking forward to receiving the OC, did you say it was more aggressive than the Wolfman OC at 0.74mm?

I perceived it to be more aggressive (I think, without looking it up, that the OC is at 0.9-something mm) - but that the demi-cage design in some magical way makes the razor stop short of actually biting you. It's not anywhere as aggressive as a King or Classic Cobra though. I also found, as the reviews I linked to above, that playing around with the angle makes quite a bit of difference. This head design might well become one of my favorite ones.
I perceived it to be more aggressive (I think, without looking it up, that the OC is at 0.9-something mm) - but that the demi-cage design in some magical way makes the razor stop short of actually biting you. It's not anywhere as aggressive as a King or Classic Cobra though. I also found, as the reviews I linked to above, that playing around with the angle makes quite a bit of difference. This head design might well become one of my favorite ones.
This is certainly interesting as I find the Wolfman OC 0.74mm, similar to youreslf, around an 8 on a progress/slim, but not aggressive enough to label it as a non daily driver. Again just a couple of uses in and have a long way to go before fully understanding its preferences. But 0.9mm (also read this somewhere) seemed crazy aggressive and was considering swapping to the SB even though I do prefer OC's. But happy to hear it is still far from uncomfortable aggression. To my understanding just a closer shave (similar to the H1).

What angle of cutting best suits?

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This is certainly interesting as I find the Wolfman OC 0.74mm, similar to youreslf, around an 8 on a progress/slim, but not aggressive enough to label it as a non daily driver. Again just a couple of uses in and have a long way to go before fully understanding its preferences. But 0.9mm (also read this somewhere) seemed crazy aggressive and was considering swapping to the SB even though I do prefer OC's. But happy to hear it is still far from uncomfortable aggression. To my understanding just a closer shave (similar to the H1).

What angle of cutting best suits?

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It's interesting to read that both of the last OC reviewers on DFS comments on the benefit of using a more shallow angle.
I'm tempted to 'third' it but I also found that as I move around my face it became very natural to alter the angle depending on where you were shaving.
Sorry, that's such a bland and generic answer but I think you'll see what I mean when you use it the very first time :)
It's interesting to read that both of the last OC reviewers on DFS comments on the benefit of using a more shallow angle.
I'm tempted to 'third' it but I also found that as I move around my face it became very natural to alter the angle depending on where you were shaving.
Sorry, that's such a bland and generic answer but I think you'll see what I mean when you use it the very first time :)
Ok very interesting indeed. Ok I see how difficult it is to strictly qualify, but do you use the audible feedback or face feel to get the right angle or do all angles (within reason) cut equally?? Very confused

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Ok very interesting indeed. Ok I see how difficult it is to strictly qualify, but do you use the audible feedback or face feel to get the right angle or do all angles (within reason) cut equally?? Very confused

Angles are like razor blades - what works for one person is no guarantee it will work for the next.
There are some 'universal truths' such as most SE razors - and even the Blackland Blackbird - benefits from almost riding the cap but shy of that I think angles on most DE razors is subjective. The audible feedback helps you recognize and associate the 'right' angle with that sound so that you can easily re-adjust it if it sounds "off" when you shave.

Has your OC shipped? :)
Angles are like razor blades - what works for one person is no guarantee it will work for the next.
There are some 'universal truths' such as most SE razors - and even the Blackland Blackbird - benefits from almost riding the cap but shy of that I think angles on most DE razors is subjective. The audible feedback helps you recognize and associate the 'right' angle with that sound so that you can easily re-adjust it if it sounds "off" when you shave.

Has your OC shipped? :)
I ordered on the 14th so haven't got a tracking number as yet only a purchase reference number.

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Maybe @Timelessrazor can provide some insight into upcoming offerings? :)
We are currently working on a new handle design/designs (hint, hint), and I will post pictures and details, as soon as I have them. We are also looking into offering just the heads by themselves, or as a master kit. We've been busy in the shop getting orders ready to ship. So I haven't been able to update everyone on the the details of our new ideas. We will soon.
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