Razolution DDE Razor

Well, no point in denying it as you're absolutely right. Watching The Smurfs with junior last night when she pointed to Grouchy and said, "That's you, Daddy."

And yes, our colonial cousins do get rather carried away, almost like a bunch of finger-pointing lemmings.

Still, I am keen to hear about the blood letting.....I mean peoples' experiences.
This tickled my intrigue, like you Carl my curiosity got the better of me and one is winging its way to me too. Are you brave enough to use it with the free blades Carl? I wonder if I should confirm my blood type? ;-)

Certainly seems intersting. those blades seem quite bent in there or is that my imagination ?

I suppose if you got the angles right the first blade will cut while second sort of does a buff ?

I admire the guys who have bought one, especially at the price and I look forward to reading your comments about it.
it is generally accepte on here and in the wet shaving community that one de blade is better than a multi-blade system

why even consider designing such a contraption

it reminds me of these
Answering questions and ignoring jibes, negativity and general piss taking -

I shall regard the whole thing as an exoperiment and therefore test each component as a new experience. This means I will try the blades they supply in a known razor (Weber). I will first try the Rezolution razor with known blades (Gillette 7 O'c Green and always my test blades). Only when I am confortable with using the razor with Greens shall I progress to the supplied blades - bearing in mind they are German and remembering Merkut blades - the test in a Weber will tell me how good/bad they are.

I admit to some trepidation about upper lip and similarly tricky areas. However, I am currently using a Wilko Sword Gizmo 5 Blade Brick headed razor and I can manage to get within a very, very narrow mustache of beneath my nose - and with particular effort this morning, cleared 90% of it. So a Rezolution razor, along with the bulbous iKon Slant, may be good for under the nose - maybe with a little ATG touching up.

Won't it be fun finding out!

FYI I still can't stand up straight enough nor for long enough to shave in a mirror on the wall with DE razors. I have to sit on the loo lid all bent over and use cartridges and a hand mirror. But things are improving!! The NHS is working it's socks off waiting to see if it goes away without them doing anything - so private physiotherapy makes the price of a Rezolution look insignificant! Physioterrorist.
Al H said:
it is generally accepte on here and in the wet shaving community that one de blade is better than a multi-blade system

why even consider designing such a contraption

it reminds me of these

Now I don't want to be controversial here Al, but why do you think a DE is better than a multi blade and where is the empirical evidence that the wet shaving community accepts this? The wet shaving community includes everyone that uses a cartridge - so given that they outnumber DE users by millions to one, I question the comment.

Personally speaking, I can get a closer, more comfortable and faster shave using my normal prep and a cartridge - the fact that I don't use them is for other reasons, some of which would appear to be mightly perverse to a non convert.
UKRob said:
Al H said:
it is generally accepte on here and in the wet shaving community that one de blade is better than a multi-blade system

why even consider designing such a contraption

it reminds me of these

Now I don't want to be controversial here Al, but why do you think a DE is better than a multi blade and where is the empirical evidence that the wet shaving community accepts this? The wet shaving community includes everyone that uses a cartridge - so given that they outnumber DE users by millions to one, I question the comment.

Personally speaking, I can get a closer, more comfortable and faster shave using my normal prep and a cartridge - the fact that I don't use them is for other reasons, some of which would appear to be mightly perverse to a non convert.

im probably being general mate

however but we go from one blade cartridge to 2, 3, 4 and 5 each one claiming to be better than the next and i dont see any evidence to support that either. in fact gillette have been done for false claims and advertising

when i read stuff on here and blogs etc people are claiming to having better results with DE. i understand that most will be down to prep and the fact that people will do more passes than a cartridge
Al H said:
im probably being general mate

I'm with you General AL H. I use DEs because it means I can shave and not end up covered in spots and red patches and just generally sore! Function over collectability for me (well mostly :angel:)

I admit to a certain curiosity about said device but little inclination to try it first! I'll be somewhere at the back shouting "go on lad! you know you want to".
I have never used a GII so I can't compare.

Well, it is a strange beastie! I loaded it with two brand new Personna Med preps and it is surprisingly smooth. Due the the blade geometry, the angle of attack is very acute, basically the handle is pretty much parallel with the shaving plane. This made the neck a little tricky and I did end up with a couple of weepers but I think that that will ease up with practice as the angle is just a wee bit alien to me. I'm quite surprised I was expecting something out of the house of horrors but have ended up liking it. I think this will get it's turn in the ever expanding rotation, definitely worth a go IMHO.

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