Pocket knife

Count of Undolpho said:

Top one is a Taylors Eye Witness Tackler and is my standard pottering about knife.

Bottom one is my work knife a Boker XS designed by Chad Los Banos. It's a proper tough bit of kit with the added advantage of being a one hand opener. It's street legal but I usually leave it at the office/in the car and take the Tackler with me to anywhere with people.

That taylors looks very nice didn't know the company still existed witch was a surprise.
unfortunately looks like they are no longer making straights http://taylors-eye-witness.co.uk/about-us/ .
I wouldn't be without mine as I almost feel improperly dressed without it. Round the garden my little, unobtrusive and definitely non-threatening pocket knife is indispensable in cutting twine when tying plants to their supports (I've a lot that need this doing). I use it to open all sort of bags & packets - compost, sand, topsoil, grass & plant seeds. I point hazel and willow rods for said supports and take cuttings. I open my mail with it: not your standard envelope, more your shaving gear and what not. Once, I used it to cut fishing gut away from my dog's paw which was something that could have been a lot worse if the knife wasn't in my pocket. It is a very handy tool but I'd always take it out of my pocket if going to my wee girls nursery as that's illegal as is taking it to an airport or court of law. I can, however, very much understand the wider public's anxiety & fear due to knife wielding idiots and the level of violent crime that knives are used in. It frightens me too.
I use mine for everything from opening post to checking the meat on the BBQ ( which I use everyday come rain or shine ) and can't imagine life with out one and on the few time I have had fisticuffs in my youth I would have never thought of reaching in my pocket
Not a pocket knife, but I often have my Gerber Suspension with me at work. It fits in my pocket, it has a knife in it.
I have it at work (engineering company) and when camping and its a very useful tool.

I have carried a knife since I was a young man in the forces and the only time it is not in my pocket is when it is in my suitcase when I'm on board an aircraft (remember not that many years ago when you placed your pocket knife together with all your loose change and watch in the container before passing through the metal detector at the airport? how things have changed)

There is never a day that I do not use my knife and I carry it whether in shorts and flip-flops or a suit, I consider it essential.

I don't carry a knife day to day but I do take one camping with me...... Only this last trip I forgot it and boy did I struggle!:icon_mad:
There are people who don't carry pocket knives? How weird!

@NorfolkDick I remember travelling to Spain and sticking knife etc in the tray on the UK side and getting held up whilst the customs dude carefully investigated my Clipper lighter presumably to make sure it wasn't a stash device. The knife on the tray was a lock knife and therefore illegal but didn't get a second glance (I didn't find out they were illegal for years! not until a nice copper who was searching me for drugs (I had (more) Dreadlocks then) pointed it out :blush: ).

tuftey said:
That taylors looks very nice didn't know the company still existed witch was a surprise.
unfortunately looks like they are no longer making straights http://taylors-eye-witness.co.uk/about-us/ .

It's a little beauty and sharp as you like, if it had one hand opening I'd not bother with anything else for day to day use. I went looking for it because my Grandpa always carried a Taylor's Lambfoot. Still made in Sheffield which is nice.
some airlines now allow the carrying of knives and scissors if the blade is less than 60mm tip to pivot iirc, so ukpk's are out,

I love the way all the French men carry a knife. They use it for everything from cutting those long stick loaves, to cutting that disgusting sausage full of fat lumps they so love to eat!

I'm an old Army knife man myself?
Father Ted said:
balidey said:
Gerber Suspension
Superb bit of kit, that I keep in a little Gerber neoprene pouch that holds the multitool, screwdriver bits, a pen and a torch. Clips to my belt.

i think im going to pick up a nice one.

been using a generic swiss army knife clone

problem is i can't take it with me most of the time because the blade is too long on it so its classed as a weapon.

looking for something to use at work though to strip cables and the like.

i really dont like the stanley knife i have to use all the time at work

this is my day to day knife at work

Dicky said:
I love the way all the French men carry a knife. They use it for everything from cutting those long stick loaves, to cutting that disgusting sausage full of fat lumps they so love to eat!

I'm an old Army knife man myself?

Pictures? Is it the black delrin one with the sheepsfoot blade, tin opener and marlin spike? I should have one of those somewhere....somewhere?
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