Panic buying !! Fuel Strike !

I went to a shop on Wednesday and did some panic buying - no-one else seemed to be bothered, I noticed.

Ten books of twelve each 1st Class and 2nd Class stamps (no price shown on the stamps) was £95 and odds as the 1st Class were 5% discounted at Superdrug.

60p to send a letter?? I should coco!
Northam Saint said:
Ok who's been out filling up their petrol tanks today ?

Not me !

Last they had plans to give NHS workers priority, so hopefully if they do that again SWMBO will be ok to get to work. I always walk the kids to school so it won't affect me personally.
SWMBO has about a months worth of normal driving in her fuel tank, I have 2 weeks in mine but whilst I may be able to get fuel I'll take my bike.
I've not panicked at all. I managed to fill the Winnebago, plus the 8 barrels in the back, the 3 portable bladders on the roof, and the wife's Range Rover on the trailer with no drama whatsoever... the queues must be getting to some people though, some of them seemed absolutely fucking furious for some reason.
Ah, the first casualty...

What sort of cock takes petrol into the kitchen to transfer from one container to another? Cooker on probably a fag too.

Incidentally I note that there is actually no law on how much petrol/diesel you can store in a domestic premises only guidelines. The law only mentions the size of the containers - petrol is 5 litres per plastic container and 10 litres for metal - not their number...

Given the story above, probably should say "don't store it in your kitchen and open the container when the cooker is on" in case any muppets are reading.
hunnymonster said:
Ah, the first casualty...

What sort of cock takes petrol into the kitchen to transfer from one container to another? Cooker on probably a fag too.

Incidentally I note that there is actually no law on how much petrol/diesel you can store in a domestic premises only guidelines. The law only mentions the size of the containers - petrol is 5 litres per plastic container and 10 litres for metal - not their number...

Given the story above, probably should say "don't store it in your kitchen and open the container when the cooker is on" in case any muppets are reading.

I know I shouldn't and I know it's wrong, but it makes you laugh just how stupid some people are.
Now there's a whole new thread!

What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?

Mine was paying-off a ship in Australia and going walk-about to avoid getting married in UK. This plan worked very well until I couldn't get another ship and finished up coming home - and getting married - and it was the disaster I knew it would be. The up-side is that we've become very good friends now we've talked the disaster through - and through - and through - .......
Surely to god out of a population of 60 million, there must be a better selection of people available to run the country than the bunch of tossers skiving in Westminster.

What with fuel-gate and pasty-gate they are all turning this once great country into a laughing stock.

As for the idiots queuing to fill up every day, that I pass cycling to work, words fail me. These must be the same people you see at xmas with four trollies full of food, just because the shops are shut for two days.....:mad:
The kind of people we need to run the country would never become politicians for the paltry £100K a year, or whatever it is they get paid.
joe mcclaine said:
The kind of people we need to run the country would never become politicians for the paltry £100K a year, or whatever it is they get paid.
I was going to say i would do it but there is no way i am taking a pay cut if thats all they get.
Northam Saint said:
hunnymonster said:
Ah, the first casualty...

What sort of cock takes petrol into the kitchen to transfer from one container to another? Cooker on probably a fag too.

Incidentally I note that there is actually no law on how much petrol/diesel you can store in a domestic premises only guidelines. The law only mentions the size of the containers - petrol is 5 litres per plastic container and 10 litres for metal - not their number...

Given the story above, probably should say "don't store it in your kitchen and open the container when the cooker is on" in case any muppets are reading.

I know I shouldn't and I know it's wrong, but it makes you laugh just how stupid some people are.

Darwin Award?
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