Panic buying !! Fuel Strike !

RB73 said:
I get through about half a tank o' diesel a day, until today where i used the other half trying to find a garage with diesel in stock.:icon_cry2:

Que upon Que of people who's cars have probably never even seen a full tank since they've owned it but have followed like sheep. Twats.!!!!!!

I very rarely have a full tank. Only for long journeys which is about once a year. I never really go over half, no point in me carrying all that extra weight around. The cynical side of me thinks it's the government wanting a quick mass of VAT going into the coffers.
hunnymonster said:
chrisbell said:
Er, HM - you may be breaking the law with your three "Svencans" - I know 2 cans of 5 litres each is the maximum allowable amount of petrol - not sure for diesel, even though both our current vehicles run on it.

You presume (wrongly) that they're stored in the same (domestic) premises.

Ah - I did wonder!:blush: Is the limit for diesel the same as for petrol?
Northam Saint said:
RB73 said:
I get through about half a tank o' diesel a day, until today where i used the other half trying to find a garage with diesel in stock.:icon_cry2:

Que upon Que of people who's cars have probably never even seen a full tank since they've owned it but have followed like sheep. Twats.!!!!!!

I very rarely have a full tank. Only for long journeys which is about once a year. I never really go over half, no point in me carrying all that extra weight around. The cynical side of me thinks it's the government wanting a quick mass of VAT going into the coffers.

Make you right, that and holding the tankers off coast.
chrisbell said:
Ah - I did wonder!:blush: Is the limit for diesel the same as for petrol?

Last time I bothered to look it was maximum 20 litre metal containers for diesel, 10 litre plastic (5 litres petrol) Suitably marked of course.

Not that it's an issue unless your house catches fire of course... it's not like the rozzers and the fire brigade are going to spot check your garage/shed/wherever. Even so it's more of an insurance thing than legal thing (after all you can *make* 2500 litres of biodiesel per year duty free for personal consumption... and the norml is to make it in 1000 litre batches.

How and why they come up with these limits is beyond me - park your car in the garage brimmed with 60 litres of petrol in a (probably) plastic tank compared to 10 litres in a metal can... I know which would have me cacking more if it caught fire...

Not to mention the gas cylinders for the various tools and camping equipment...
chrisbell said:
hunnymonster said:
chrisbell said:
Er, HM - you may be breaking the law with your three "Svencans" - I know 2 cans of 5 litres each is the maximum allowable amount of petrol - not sure for diesel, even though both our current vehicles run on it.

You presume (wrongly) that they're stored in the same (domestic) premises.

Ah - I did wonder!:blush: Is the limit for diesel the same as for petrol?

Doubt it, as hunny said you can literally put out a fire with diesel so it's relatively low risk.
In my football hooligan days a Hull lad was boasting to me about how he was going to "do the whole Mansfield firm" with a load of petrol bombs he'd made with a load of diesel he'd nicked.

I just said "good luck with that, I'll keep an eye out for it on News at Ten"
Of course diesel is highly flammable when compressed, but, as you say, much less so in normal circumstances than petrol. I once read an opinion that the old leaded petrol was less flammable in the event of a spill than unleaded - anyone got a view on that?
You can't compress a liquid, as any steam engineer with a blown cylinder head will tell you. You can raise the pressure, but not compress.

Chief! Chief! The windlass won't lift the anchor!

Did you keep the drains open?
I'm not panic buying at all...

But these are the effects:


Lucky I've found a station! I was getting quite desperate.

Fuel gauge was showing less than empty and 15 miles left. This was up from 6 after I coasted a bit on the a road!
This is a much bigger issue than just a fuel crisis. I was passing a BP/M&S petrol station today and fancied a pasty. Could I get on to the forecourt to park-up and buy one? Could I bollocks. :mad:
Maybe I've been lucky (or more likely non-observant!) but I haven't seen any evidence of panic buying over the last two days!
Yesterday we drove back from five days away in the Lake District to home in Shaw, I then filled the car up at our local Tesco yesterday evening ready for a trip out today to York with my parents, I passed several stations in York and along the A64 with no queues, nor were there any when driving through Oldham on the way to dropping my parents off this evening!
I can only think that Northern folk are more pragmatic. Or all the stations have been emptied whilst we were strolling around York!
I've not bought petrol since last weekend. I buy a full tank, run to empty and refill again.
I'm due another tank full about Monday ish.
So if I need fuel I will got to a petrol station, queue, fill up.

How do I know if I am panic buying?
How do I let other people know I am not panic buying?
What if I forgot about a business trip tomorrow and need fuel before I'm empty. Does this make me a panic buyer?

HELP, I'm so confused. Am I a sheep?
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