Mixing my own soap

Here is a PM that Peter sent me today after using my soap, will be interested in what the other two Testers have to say.....
then i can decide if i need to tweak it anymore...... :D

Fido said:
Hi Steve

I used it today and was very impressed.It lathered up nicely and enabled me to have a very comfortable shave, during and after. I used one of my own NF brushes, a relatively soft fan shape rather than my stronger backboned 2201. And it delivered very nice lather. I particularly noted that my face was still a little moist after shaving off the lather. Some soaps leave your face rather dry so it makes it a bit risky to touch up without adding more lather or water to your face. It's something I look for in a soap. I also noted it was stable throughout the shave.

I find it difficult to judge the relative merits of soaps - the differences can be so subtle. I either like it or I don't. I liked your soap and it sits comfortably among what I would call decent soaps. And I have used a lot!

I like your choice of scents - although I haven't tried bay rum - the others should be a safe bet. So might bay rum but I just don't know.

I will use the soap again this week and may add further comments later.

All the best

OK just had another try with your soap Steve and I changed blade razor and blade. This time the shave was a lot better and I had no irritation afterwards. All I can think is that yesterday my prep was poor or the blade was duff. I may also have spent a bit more time working on the lather today. I'm still not mad on the scent but that's me. The main thing is that your soap performed very well. If you think you can improve the cushioning it may well be worth trying as there is always room for improvement, but it certainly performed better this evening.
Cheers Adam,

Who knows what the problem was before...........once i have feedback from the other two testers i will then see if i need to tweak it to improve the cushion, i may have a play around myself this weekend, but initial results are looking good.

The scent was a bit of a mess as i first tried to scent it as bay rum using the essential oils, but i didn't want to add too much as because of that it wasn't strong enough, so i then added some "bay Rum" frangrance, but unfortunatley it didn't smell anything like it so it was just left with a sweet nutmeg type of smell, that is why i said in my PM to ignore it and the colour as they can be improved later,.....anyway the scents i will be doing this soap in are Lavender, Lime, Rose and Eventually Bay Rum, will be using good quality essential Oils.....so the final product will smell loads better.

Have a few more shaves if you can and see how it goes...

heroblob said:
Good to see your getting on well with it. But you haven't said how you have found it.

I have been shaving with it for the last few days....and i really quite like it, (well i would say that....... :oops: ) it gave me a good creamy thick lather and a nice close shave which i was chuffed with, it has taken me 8 or 9 test attemps and dinner out to please a p****d off Girlfriend to get the soap how it is now......

and as a note to everyone, i didn't choose to ignore everyone in just sending out 4 testers, it was just that if it was a total flop then there was no point in sending out loads and sending out 4 just limits time wasting and embarrasment :oops: :oops: ;) , as it seems to be quite good, i will make up some more soon (as soon as i get my other testers thoughts back) in a lime rose or lavender scent and send say 10 samples out.....

if you would be interested in trying it just post a reply to this message....only need 10 or so ;)

Goodie. Cant wait. If you need to get in touch i will be away over the weekend. Big archery comp on Sunday, and the bike show at the NEC on Saturday. Will be back in the fold on Sunday evening/Monday morning.
I'll happily try one for you Steve, if you're still looking for triers out. I'd prefer lavender if there's any choice, otherwise whatever you've got will be fine. I believe you've got my addy. (I'll even use that cracking Slim to try it).

JohnnyO. ;)
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