Maggie Thatcher Passes Away.

RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Hi Rob

I was 6 when Thatch was elected, so have only a young child's recollection of the 70s. That said I come from a political family, and have discussed the era with family at length. I remember the 80s well, experienced 1st hand the effects of under-investment in education in that time, and was taking my 1st steps into the workplace in the last year or so of her premiership.

I agree with you that a bunch of problems that had been at the root of the decline of British industry in the post-war period came to a head in the 70s, unfortunately the reaction to that was Thatcher. The way her government "addressed" these issues was unnecessarily damaging to the prosperity and social cohesion of this country, remaining so to this day and doubtless well into the future, and openly vindictive. Other countries managed to modernise their industrial bases, building on their industrial heritage to underpin real future prosperity (as opposed to the asset bubble economics characteristic of our periods of "prosperity" since she was elected), without throwing the baby out with the bath water. Granted, many union leaders of the time played directly into her hands, she gave them enough rope and they took up the offer. Lions Led by donkeys sadly, especially the NuM. Lawson's Big Bang has led directly to one of her worst legacies...the bloated parasite of Big Finance and (much of what happens in) The City. Recipient of the biggest taxpayer bailout in history* and at the root of our stubbornly stagnant economy.

I don't ignore the complicity of subsequent governments in compounding the damage she did, but she undoubtedly set the course they have followed, New Labour most shamefully.

All the best to you.

*OK, the cumulative cost of farming subsidies might run it close over the decades, involving £millions of taxpayers' cash being funneled to some of the wealthiest in the country. Funny how Tory governments are always strangely silent on that.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

I've already pontificated enough on this thread so my final words - I wonder what LloydEdwards would have had to say on the matter?
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

I doubt anyone would be interested in Lloyds view.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

ding dong the witch is dead soaring to the top itunes downlad

wheres the buy button
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Its scandalous that there will be for all intents and purpose a state funeral for Thatcher. State funerals are for figures who united the nation, cared for ALL its peoples, for ALL its regions and parts which she certainly did not
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

tonyspurs said:
Its scandalous that there will be for all intents and purpose a state funeral for Thatcher. State funerals are for figures who united the nation, cared for ALL its peoples, for ALL its regions and parts which she certainly did not

Are you by any chance hinting at Churchill?

If so, give your head a wobble and have a word with yourself.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Can I bring the debate down a notch or four, I wish I'd thought of this but I didn't....proposals for the headstone anyone?

RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

joe mcclaine said:
tonyspurs said:
Its scandalous that there will be for all intents and purpose a state funeral for Thatcher. State funerals are for figures who united the nation, cared for ALL its peoples, for ALL its regions and parts which she certainly did not

Are you by any chance hinting at Churchill?

If so, give your head a wobble and have a word with yourself.

I,m not hinting at anyone in particular but if I were it would be Lord Nelson so I certainly won't be having a word with myself or wobbling my head
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Apparently some people are annoyed that there was no minutes silence for her at Old Trafford last night!
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Boab said:
Apparently some people are annoyed that there was no minutes silence for her at Old Trafford last night!

Anyone offended by the club staying sensibly neutral on the matter does need to have a word with themselves, to paraphrase Vinny. Manchester, my home town, and the surrounds suffered greatly under her government, a minutes silence for her would have been quite the own goal.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

It could have been worse, they could have expected it at Anfield !
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