Is your razor too dumb? Well new razor "Phi Razor" to the rescue ;)

I'm puzzled by those Kickstarter campaigns, funding random ideas. I like Tom's approach with the Bunny razor. First throw the idea at the community and if it flies, consider making a business out of it. This Phi thing got it arse backwards. Facepalm. :rolleyes:

I agree. Tom's design is beautiful. And he started everything as a homemade project.
With this LED thing, I thought I saw a new light saber. The handle is fat enough to be held by both hands.
They've been puffing the thing like billy-oh on Instagram, but I see that Kickstarter has a mere 8 backers right now. The funding goal is $100,000 Canadian. The basic razor pledge is $135 minimum.
Quite frankly, I don't understand what most of the electronics and whizzbang stuff is actually supposed to do. You do, however, get an AAA battery with the thing. Last time I saw something like that, it was some Gillette multiblade with a battery in Boots.
Funny how the real design winners in most things are the simplest; straights, old Gillettes, modern Blackbird, ATT, Mongoose, Ikon, Hone, Standard etc. etc. Not a battery or chip between them, either.
I'll be waiting it out for Single Edge, replacement Rockwell and the Rocnel.
Far as I recall the vibrating razor concept ( in terms of batteries and micro chips rather than clockwork ) came to public attention back in I believe the 1980s. There was a TV programme which turned designers loose on everyday items to see how they would redesign them with newer materials, features etc. One of the teams came up with the concept of combining the convenience of an electric shaver with the advantages of a cartridge wet shave and compared it to power steering on a vehicle. Bout a year later Gillette came out with their buzzbomb.

JohnnyO. o/
Well I think I know what the outcome on Dragon's Den would be! It would have at least been a reality check before the "HOW much of your own money have you put into this so far?"
Oh, and if anyone actually want to make a razor that looks like a light sabre, sounds like a light sabre and can actually Qui-Gon stubble then I'll buy it.........but only then!
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