I think I've found my "forever" soap ...

I get 2 Pucks for just Under a 10 Spot Posted..He does a Discount & for the Postage as Well..Its here in 3 Days or Something..That's 120 Gram of Soap..o_O

Well isn't that good value for money, it's going to Germany but I guess it's still good value for money, I wii continue to shop at Connaughts for my MWF at £6.30 and I always spend enough to make it free post , so not quite the same price you were talking about.
From what I've read there isn't much of a smell from the Haslinger soaps, but what one do people recommend? Also, is there a performance difference between the different scents?
From what I've read there isn't much of a smell from the Haslinger soaps, but what one do people recommend? Also, is there a performance difference between the different scents?
Haslinger Soaps are Not Luxury Scented..They are True Tallow Soaps..I Don't find any Difference in Performance to be Honest..The Aloe Vera, Honey & Coconut are Ok..The Honey being the Most Bland Scent Wise I would Suggest..The Aloe Vera Smells like a True Plant..Is Very Fresh & Natural..:)

Unfortunately my "forever" soap is RL Safari. Long discontinued and almost impossible to find. :(

The scent is unmatched by any other soap. A twenty year old puck can still fill a room with it's fragrance. .

Usta be able to find that wonderful soap from a few ebay sellers until a couple years ago and now I can't locate any. Luckily I have a few pucks stashed in the arsenal, along with one in my rotation.[/QUOTE]
I'm getting ready to order 13 soap samples from shavedash. I might have to reconsider this thread when I get through this stock in a year or so.
Steve Bowles, that's what I did after my proraso disaster. Just got carried away. As I said you can get loads of shaves from the SV sample and I don't skimp. Actually, if my 9 year old didn't join me in my shaving then could have got even more shaves.not that I begrudge my sons good taste in soaps!
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