I may be leaving TSR soon... :(

I have enjoyed your photography Konstantinos, and you've been a good trading partner. I'll be sad to see you go, but do please come back to us once things settle down, we will still be here, and we'll still be bitching about Derbies. :lol:

All the best.
Hi all,

I'd like to thank you for your support and encouraging words. Times are hard for me but there will come a day when all will be better.

I may take a few days off initially now for relaxing and calming my mind. The management here is just Nazi style and they destroy any human dignity existing on individuals. I don't really like to go back to Asia just in order to 'escape' from here, contracts and benefits over there are very bad at the moment so I'd like to stay and take a breath, then choose another location and assignment that suits my style and ambitions.

I think calming down and viewing things at a slower pace is what I need now so that I make the right decision. Damage has been done in the office but this is life and I have to deal with it. I was never positive in coming here anyway, the money is literally peanuts and after arriving here I saw there is no development or respect for people with my education and experience. So I was to remain a certain amount of time, that was the original intention.

We'll see but I hope the days I'll take off TSR will be just a very short break and not a long one.

Thanks for all your support, it shows a lot and I sincerely appreciate it. I'll keep you updated.
I will never leave TSR, no question about that, this is not negotiable.


P.S. I'll keep an eye for the TSR brush, so when the final product is announced and payments are due I can be prompt and not delay the process.
Hi K,
Rise above the politics, and get on with doing a good job, who knows where this might lead you to
All the very best and get back when you can.
Kind regards, beejay
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