Gulp......what about a forum political section?

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Mikael said:
Cheers Dogeman, that was the funniest post in a while! :D

Hi Mikey, how's Svenskaland treating you these days,

Unlike you, most of these guys talk in riddles. Lots of mixed signals because they just don't wanna take a strong stand on anything. Weenies.

So I gotta use my powers of interpretation to figure things out sometimes. As you can see in this case, my accuracy is to be admired.

So you got what.....two weeks left of daylight and then the whole country goes pretty much dark till April?.

lloydedwards said:
Limeys! Limeys?
A bloody ex colonial wants something and has the bloody nerve to call us LIMEYS.
No hope of civilised discussion now :)
Perhaps his gimp suit is restricting the oxygen flow!


What's the scoop Lloyd,

First and most importantly, the term 'gimp suit' was a Yankee gift from many UK members. Never hearda those things described like that before, and certainly not with all that never ending detail. I believe a Mr P. Cat has one as his avatar, which will tell you something right there.

So I always thought 'Limey' was a term of endearment. To me it always sounds nicer than 'stick up the ass dull English guy' does, but that's just me.

Far as my ex military career goes, I never made Colonel. Not even Major. Didn't even play one on TV.

Gotta check your sources........

Hi Martin,
Limey was an insult, meaning 'cheapskate'. It came about because while many navies used lemons to prevent scurvy, the British Navy used the cheaper, but less healthy for the sailors, limes.
All Brits were insulted - unfortunately, then as now, its the public school set who put money before people to the nth degree.
Gimp suits are becoming more popular I read, because of "Shades of Gray". Given what the members of this forum have been known to do to their faces, a little light S&M is nothing to be ashamed of:)

If you spend money, which I assume you all do, then politics has a huge effect. None of us can opt-out, as non-engagement is taken as a 'vote' in its own right. When few 'real people' like us stay silent, this happens:- (and read the Uptick Rule link too)

This could be the most important wake up call of your life, unless you're a millionaire. Only our complacency allows both parties to serve themselves.
I still don't think a free-for-all political thread a good idea, but with international members, and US stuff like the above directly impoverishing so many Brits, on-topic "I daytrade and ..." etc should be OK if we link it to Gilette etc manipulation of the market.

I've been drawn into a couple of Law and Order and Gun threads on another site and they seem to degenerate into the usual fixed positions based on political affiliation. Unfortunately they can also become personal and as a previous poster commented 'leave a bad taste in the mouth' - I prefer not to know others political (or religious) leanings, that way there's less chance of me drawing unjustified conclusions about them. By all means tell me what you think is the greatest combination of razor, blade and soap and I'll feel free to argue that it's a different combination - but I'd prefer you keep your political opinions to yourself.

My preference is to avoid the possibility of the kind of heated arguments that happen on other sites and, bear in mind, you will rarely change someone's opinion.

Is that clear enough Dodgy?
UKRob said:
I've been drawn into a couple of Law and Order and Gun threads on another site and they seem to degenerate into the usual fixed positions based on political affiliation.

My preference is to avoid the possibility of the kind of heated arguments that happen on other sites and, bear in mind, you will rarely change someone's opinion.

Is that clear enough Dodgy?

Yep, message received,

I have some acquaintances who differ from me a LOT politically and yeah, it can be tough not to lose patience after a while. Heh, I'm sure they feel the same about me.

So all right, I will go ahead and put you down in the 'yes' column then with all the others..
UKRob wrote
"seem to degenerate into the usual fixed positions based on political affiliation. Unfortunately they can also become personal "
Sadly true.
I don't think that should prevent anyone from posting FACT, as in laws etc. Whether you're left, right or whatever, politics is not a religion. It is not supposed to be based on belief, but facts.
If someone argues an 'affiliation', ask them to justify their position. If they believe a lie that can affect our lives, you owe it to yourself, us, and them, to point out they are being lied to. You are not your brothers keeper, and cannot be expected to evangelise - but in a democracy you should take some responsibility, especially as so many have lost their lives to give you that privilege.
This is a shaving forum, I know. Integrity is not exclusive . If you think "belief" trumps "fact", or you feel no need to warn others here of nefarious doings brought to your attention, that is for you and your conscience. Edmund Burke et val had their reasoned positions, mine is:
An arse-hole may call me an arse-hole, but that is no reason for me to behave like an arse-hole!
Man up or the arse-holes win, ie, those who die with most shit wins!

We might want to start off this site with this little bit of info I received today about the govt and google!!!
Johnus - well spotted. A simple one page, explaining why so much money is spent by corporate interests to control tax spend.
You got to love the Bush family for "pardoning" (rewarding) the heinous.
And remember everyone, WE are liable to be sent to America for any reason. What troubles me most is the selective punishments, no pretense of 'equality' in law.
Simple logic tells us that any trend that cannot continue, must end. We've seen this before, the only variable is how destructive the fall of the plutocrats will be. It will be pretty bad I expect, given that the 99% have so much less of everything except apologists! Read Edmund Burkes prognosis for America - nothing changes, those who ignore history are bound to repeat it, save this time even more will suffer. Many knew the financial bubble was about to burst, but then as now, the greedy are not the wise.

I fear that here in the US we've gone beyond the point where any rational discussion can take place. With the elections in Nov both sides will rational compromise as a sign of 'backsliding and moral weakness on their part'. Seems that the same vocabulary that is used by conservative religions is now being applied to US politics.
I've changed my mind. I will now support a political section..... provided that Lloydedwards promises to keep all future comments of a political nature within that section and desists from proselytizing on otherwise unconnected threads such as London 2012 and Tour de France.

Please leave poor old Fido in peace to enjoy his retirement.

Is that a deal Lloyd?:icon_rolleyes:
UKRob said:
I've changed my mind. I will now support a political section..... provided that Lloydedwards promises to keep all future comments of a political nature within that section and desists from proselytizing on otherwise unconnected threads such as London 2012 and Tour de France.

Is that a deal Lloyd?:icon_rolleyes:

Good one Rob,

Reminds me of Jack Benny ( known as a real frugal guy) getting held up, and being told by the robber "Your money or your life". Mr Benny needed some time to make the very hard decision.

Nice one Dodgy.
UKRob, will you be asking Fido to choose retirement or the Olympics, as we have been told we can't afford both.
Olympics are political, so is TdF. I enjoy them, but somewhere there is too high a price (by whatever measure). It strikes me that exploring what price would be too high is legitimate. The threads are side issues to the forum, so how will we define the boundaries of eg TdF thread? As Johnus just posted, if we stop relating politically, we'll go farther down the American route, arguing religiously and end up in bloody violence. Or, again like the US, refuse to measure things politically, only counting monetary costs and benefits by some twisted accountants rules.

If you think I'm proselytizing, I cannot imagine what you think I'm trying to convert you to.

Party politics I don't think belongs here for the reasons I've stated before.
Raising issues, commenting, exploring, joshing etc. in these side threads in a safe place, getting some tangential glances at stuff should, I think, be a joy. Plenty of threads leapfrog, no-one has to respond only to the latest post. Mindlessly watching creatures run round and round, ignoring the human cost, is what allowed the East Germans to flourish. "keeping politics out of sport" supported apartheid. If anyone wants a 'Daily Star of sport' thread, start one, The team "gold" goes to Netherlands womens hockey team. Close thread, nothing more to day.

Seriously UKRob, it was out of order of me to post sequentially, if no-one was responding. If in future I feel the need, I'll start a new thread, which will die if no-one responds.

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