Gulp......what about a forum political section?

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Saturday July 11, 2009

So whadda ya think.....too potentially crazy having a politics thread going? Heh, Boab and the mods are probably loving the idea........

So I know this subject can get outta hand fast, but you damn Limeys (and other foreigners) are sooo polite. Nah, just kidding. Most of you guys can hold your own.

Usually y'all will let up on something before it gets real ugly, being smart enough to know that a closed thread does no one any good and rarely ever resolves the issue.

Anyway, I know there's no shortage of wacked out politicians for me to type about here in Yankeetown. Whewwww, we have a LOT of those right now! Yep,we got record droughts all over the country, but a bumper crop of loons. Some of their light hearted antics are pretty funny. Of course some are pretty horrible too. As the election gets closer, things will heat up even more.

So I'm also wondering how much interest there actually is. Maybe the idea's not worth the paper it's printed on......

Anyway, just tossing it out there. You guys think it's doable? Boab, no need to apologize if you'd rather keep that subject real far away from here. Probably be a smart move actually.

RE: Gulp......what about a forum politcal section?

Right now we are all friends! I am not sure if someone saying Ole Marge is this or Barry O is that will make anyone closer!
Re: Gulp......what about a forum politcal section?

I've seen some big fallouts over politics face to face. I'd hate to witness the bloodshed that could take place on a forum. Having said that I did enjoy watching the attempted hanging of Boris yesterday.
RE: Gulp......what about a forum politcal section?

Politics creeps into threads here and there. There's a bit of a dust up. Other posters step in to calm things down and everyone shakes hands and leaves it at that.

Just as it would be down pretty much any pub at this very minute.

I think it is fine the way it is.

A seperate forum section might invite people to overstep boundaries and then we start to lose posters ... which wouldn't be good.

Of course, as usual I might be barking up the wrong kettle of fish. In which case I'll wind my neck in.
RE: Gulp......what about a forum politcal section?

Wow don't let lloydedwards catch wind of a political section he'll probably never leave the forum, what i've found in my home town is it wouldn't be a good idea because i've seen people getting into fights in the local post office while discussing politics.

RE: Gulp......what about a forum politcal section?


Believe me, I know how nuts people can get with their posting. Threads start out innocent sometimes, but things almost always goes south before too long.

I admit to not being well versed in what's going on in Limeyland politics (and other foreigner countries) regarding who hates each other and why. I followed it a little when Mr Blair was around.......nice little guy wasn't he?

Well, i thought if anyone could pull it off, maybe it could be this place without blowing itself up. You'd have to be somewhat suicidal to try and moderate that thread.
RE: Gulp......what about a forum politcal section?


That's as polite as I'm going to get on this one.

RE: Gulp......what about a forum politcal section?

The problem with political threads is you either get fanatics or people who don't know shit about it ( that includes me)
Another forum I am on has one, and I like seeing different peoples point of view and it also helps me learn a bit more about our shambolic state of affairs over here.
BUT..................they have a dozen mods who will not tollerate anything over the top, the rules are very strict and rigidly enforced and there is no three strikes rule. Stick to the rules or instant ban, simple as that!!!

I have only been on here a couple of weeks and have already picked out half a dozen pretty strong characters, all of which would be pretty hard to beat in any reasoned argument. But the difference here is that they are all still pretty much polite, well mannered and well meaning people.
The mods here seem to have a pretty good finger on the pulse and don't seem like they suffer fools gladly, so for me it would be a yes. But the one thing I would suggest to keep the lunnatics out is to make it a hidden thread and for members only, no browsing or posting by visitors.

RE: Gulp......what about a forum politcal section?

You attract a lot of corrupt and dishonest people I think people call them politicians :)

You don't want those sorts around here.

If you want me to change my views PM me to organise the appropriate financial arrangements ;)
RE: Gulp......what about a forum politcal section?

Hi Jamie ;-)
I too don't think such a thread a good thing in practice- though it is a good idea.
I think a lot of things have political facets, but "politics" itself needs people to at least have similar terms of reference. Witness "conservative", or "liberal" and "neo-liberal", they are like "set", a small word that means everything and nothing without context. Put posts in context and be called patronising! Would I have to remind everyone of my age, so that they could work out which newspeak version of "vocational" I mean?
In my experience Daz, "fanatics or people who don't know shit" is a venn diagram.
Kudos to original poster, Dodgy, and a 'padded cell' rather than forum relating to individual, specific topics could be great BUT mods deciding what was offtopic could be politically charged.
The Olympics are very political - I particularly despise the Nazi inspired torch guff. How would we keep a thread going on that?
Dodgy et al, I wish I could find a place, but can't; perhaps more of you can add tidbits like I and others do, and we can look stuff up if interested, rather than the unsourced claptrap in newspaper comments columns.
I'd like this thread kept alive though, more contributions the better.
Shaving has a certain frisson of Darwinism, screw up too badly, or ignore the basics and you could bleed to death. All here know this mindset. It is (sadly) not true in politics.

RE: Gulp......what about a forum politcal section?

lloydedwards said:
Dodgy et al, I wish I could find a place, but can't; perhaps more of you can add tidbits like I and others do, and we can look stuff up if interested, rather than the unsourced claptrap in newspaper comments columns.

That's more like what I was trying to describe, and thanks for helping putting it together for me. Yeah, just having a small sliver of the forum to post the odd link or thoughts....that's it. Kinda like the Barclays thread going on now. Not hurting anyone (yet) and some stuff is being thrown out there to think about. It's actually what finally prompted me to start this thread.

I do have to wonder how many members are actually interested in politics. Took me a long time before I saw the really interesting side. It's all about control of course. But how and what is used to try and accomplish the goals is what makes watching this stuff so rewarding. Some of them guys may even have a slight hidden agenda or two.

Fido has summed it up nicely....

I'm quite heavily involved in politics at a local and regional level but to introduce it here would not be wise (IMHO) in the same vein that a religious section would be best avoided.

I prefer to regard this forum as a friendly haven and a retreat to be kept well away from the rigours and disputes of the daily life. Strangers but pals with a common interest.

In political jargon always remember that a back turned is a back stabbed and we're not here for that, hopefully.

Well Dogy ... Do you feel lucky today?? :D

I think Blyth Spirit said it well (as well as many others) - we better stay friends :)
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