
I kind of have to do south - north under my jaw on either side, North - south under my chin and the bottom of my neckline is east-west and west-east, meeting in the middle. It's a mess. Impossible to get bbs there, so I settle for dfs. Top part of my face conforms to the norm, so bbs is easy to get, but jaw and chin down is a pain in the Jacksie to shave properly!
I kind of have to do south - north under my jaw on either side, North - south under my chin and the bottom of my neckline is east-west and west-east, meeting in the middle. It's a mess. Impossible to get bbs there, so I settle for dfs. Top part of my face conforms to the norm, so bbs is easy to get, but jaw and chin down is a pain in the Jacksie to shave properly!
Practice, practice, practice.
The way you describe the pattern on your neck it seems to conform to the norm: all over the place :p
I love feathers, they work for me in most of my DE's. I was lately introduced to Kai DE blades and find them almost as sharp as the Feathers while lasting twice as long. I can only get 2x comfortable shaves out of a feather blade and then it goes downhill fast.
I have been using feathers in a few of my razors over the last few weeks, for comparison I have been using Polsilver SI in the same razor.

The pols are giving me a closer shave with less irritation, I have been disapointed, I was hoping for a stellar shave from a legendary blade, YMMV proven again.
I used a Feather blade again. It dragged my hair on the first shave.

Second shave, so much smoother. Anyone noticed this?
Hi guys
I've been using feather for 5 years. I do love them
Can anyone recommend a better blade
I use an adjustable merkur

Also can someone tell me the cheapest place to buy feather 50 or 100 pack

Anyone uses pinfolds.co.uk

Another blade that's very sharp and smooth is the Perma-Sharp Super, I also like Astra SP and Voskhod.

Yes, I have bought Feather blades from pinfolds.co.uk..... they did turned up, after a few weeks.
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