Buying a synthetic brush

Saturday January 28, 2012
Having completely ignored the development of the synthetic brush, I'm both completely ignorant and about to buy one to try out. So my question is simple - which is the best commercially available brush in the UK at the moment, at reasonable cost?

I see V 4, Pur-Tech, Muhle use numbers lower than 4 for their latest version - so by 'best' I also mean the latest fibres.

I face lather so don't want springiness. I use soaps and creams so I want softness and backbone. Are there any brushes with an attractive handle - I see only bog standard horrible ones when I look (eg EJ).

I notice the knots are all small and wonder why this is. 25mm is the largest I've seen. I like a longer handle and dislike stubbies. I don't want to spend a fortune on a name - I prefer a brush that performs well over a name.

Which do you reckon would be the best brush for me?
A broomstick ;) I just ordered a plisson, Dipesh said it's good, that was enough for me, kind of like pugh mentioning the chosera stone on sale, guys who know what they are talking about.
My Muhle V2 is rapidly becoming my favourite brush.
Will be asking the other half for one of these for Christmas:
Muhle for backbone, Plisson for a more natural feel. Also Plisson holds water better and heat better too (but you can't really notice the heat aspect too much).
If you're ready to invest, I've checked Plisson website this morning, and the fiber brush is around £50 delivered to UK. If you have a John Lewis near you, you can pick a Kent Silvertex for a tenner (I am happily pleased with mine, despite its size it performs as well as my T&H Wellington/Rooney, even better with cream or croap).
This is the longest handle on a syth as far as I'm aware:

55mm, still might not be big enough for you Carl.
Dipesh has a plissen on bst. I'm trying to find a synthetic also. Iv been researching and find muhle v2 are popular ones and have the most handles. Not been many on bst lately
Here at last! I'm itching to buy a brush but I've not been able to connect to this page!

I really do not like the look of Plisson brush handles - they're out.

Muhle seem a popular choice - but those huge lofts!! 56mm on a 23mm knot seems way too floppy! Is the loft due to the fibres having a strong backbone?

A question for Muhle 23 and 25mm knot V2 brushes - what are their pros and cons, please? Not compared to any other brush, but just as you experience yours. I'd really appreciate your input. Also, are 23mm big enough? If you own a 23mm brush, do you wish you had bought a 25mm?

As they are suppposed to be so badger-like, why are the knots all so small?

Itchy finger awaits your urgent replies!!
Some of the cheaper Plisson brush handles are not of high quality.

I bought the brush linked below and the handle is hollow plastic, very tacky.. like something you'd get with a 'Made in Taiwan' toy gun from the pound shop.

I have a fairly decent collection of synthetic brushes (Kent, Omega, Plisson, Simpson x 2 & Muhle V2 in an EJ handle) and my pick of the bunch is the Muhle V2 as I just find it is well balance for my preference - soft tips, a nice amount of backbone, not too springy, splays nicely.

The Plisson knot is highly regarded by many, but for me it's too soft and just doesn't give me the amount of back bone I prefer in a brush. The Kent and Simpson knots are very springy in my opinion. The Omega is a tad to firm and scrubby for me.

All the synthetics I own lather soaps very well. It then all boils down to the style of knot you prefer.
Good reading here
(including GDC's embedded thread and worth looking at his Custom Gen 4 thread. I bought a Virginia Sheng pur tech knot on the strength of it - I like it but I still prefer my badgers ...
Thanks for all your input, guys. I've bought a Muhle 23mm V2 white. I have a Muhle 1st Generation which is very good for annoying the cats so I'm trepidatious about this new one.
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