
Never thought I'd spend so much time in the techie section here, but can't contain my excitement, so had to share news of my latest acquisition. Just bought myself an iMac. I've coveted one since 1996 when I first saw one with its distinctive turquoise semi transparent back. I've never used one before, so I'm on a bit of a learning curve at the moment. Can't say I'm finding it as intuitive as the iPhone, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it. I needed a new computer, and the sight of all those ugly squares on all the PC screens in the shops decided me. God, what an awful interface that is. They obviously thought there is nothing that isn't broke enough to need changing around and messing with.
So at the moment I am fully occupied watching tutorial videos on various aspects of how to use my new lean mean machine. Trying to get to grips with 'Pages', their word processor. Managed to get the new CD/DVD drive to work with it (very bad idea by Apple to remove this). I thought I'd hate the tiny keyboard, but am already used to it after a couple of days and now really like it.
Anyone else bought a new toy lately? :)
Welcome over to the good side! If you bought it from an Apple Store they offer a great service called one to one which is a years training membership.
I love it, Sharon - buying a computer because of the way it looks! I agree with you - they look pretty, but what does it have inside? Don't know and don't care? I love it even more because I could never do what you have done.

Here's hoping it is everything you want it to be! Including looking good! Come to think of it, my PC laptop has a pretty blue back - I got money off because I had told them I wanted black and they couldn't supply one.
soapalchemist said:
Never thought I'd spend so much time in the techie section here, but can't contain my excitement, so had to share news of my latest acquisition. Just bought myself an iMac.

Well Toots, I always thought of you as a Mac kinda person anyway.....

Years ago when I was playing a LOT of cards online, I noticed a difference in attitude between the PC and Mac owners. Certainly not all the time, but quite often the PC person would be not such a nice person as you got to know them through playing and chatting. Plus, they went for games like Spades. True story.

Anyway, congrats on the new addition,

Congrats on the pressure washer Antdad; hope we won't see you in the papers for sex crimes involving this new possession.
Carl, it's got lots of what it needs under the hood, I believe. I gather it doesn't need as much RAM as a PC due to the way they work....and that's as technical as I get. And of course you could do what I have done; comes a stage where you realise you can't take it with you. So I thought before I reach the stage of being afraid to spend a penny because there isn't any more coming in, I'd live a little.
Cheers Mattyb, I might try some classes, but I'm coming along pretty well so far. Just need to get it to do labels on A4 sheets.
Thanks Martini; it is certainly money well spent. How many other purchases show what a nice person you are - well, apart from goats for people in the Third World. But they're a bugger to display on the desk.:)

Just realised it was '86 not 96 when I first set eyes on one. See Carl; when you start losing decades, it's time to take the plunge!
When you start losing decades, cherie, you've already taken the plunge! Creaky bones and aching muscles come next. I just reached the granny blanket stage and have never been more popular with the cats - lovely and warm, a granny blanket over my onsied legs and a cat on each thigh.

Truth - I'm envious of your latest acquisition.

I've never owned a PC at home, having been Mac since that "distinctive turquoise semi transparent back". Lovely computer that and it did me for a good 10 years! My present model is a 2007, the first of the aluminium shells which is ... Wow! also coming up 10 years.

That's some going for a computer, longevity which I hope you enjoy too.

I was telling a pal recently that somewhat unbelievably, I have NEVER re-installed from scratch! The hard drive that came in my original computer back in 1997 has been cloned onto larger drives and updated with new operating systems from 8.5 to 10.10 as they've come out. I did once perform a restore from Time Machine backup to a new drive just to confirm it actually worked as advertised ... it did.

Again, that's some going :D

Tips? Get an external drive and enjoy Time Machine. You're bound to delete something some day and want it back, likewise, it's there for hassle free recovery from disaster, something which is otherwise very stressful.

Have fun!
Carl, all my creaks and aches have been resolved by the Atkins diet; feel like my joints have been oiled. Get out from under the blanket, boil some eggs and consider getting a Mac. Having said that, you do need to be ready to spend a lot of time googling everything you want to do; just getting used to the close window button being on the left side takes a little while.

Paul, so Martini was right, all the nicest people have Macs. :) Can you recommend an external hard drive that's cheap (that won't be an Apple one then) and can be used by a dummy? Will it back up the OS as well, should that be necessary. I've never backed up in my life, apart from keeping soapy records on the cloud, so it's all new to me.
Great to hear of Mac's longevity; I have found with PCs that by 4 years in they get so laggy it's painful. No doubt there are things I should do to them that could delay this, but I don't know how, and don't want to spend time learning how. I just like things to work like they should.
antdad said:
Oh...I bought a pressure washer yesterday, it's 1800w of pure awesomeness and can blast off a pair of knickers at 30 feet.

Saw what you ordered and I went for the Big City set up. This unit is rated at 2400w and will blow up a bunch of underwear at 20 feet or less. Kinda like the shotgun of power washers, best used for close up 'wet work'.

Is this the kinda thing you Limeys use for home protection instead of real grown up guns with actual bullets?

Thanks for the suggestion.
Regarding external hard drives, I've got a Lacie which I bought back when I bought my iMac.

Yes, it's not the cheapest, but it has lasted ... I say lasted, but the power supply failed at around 5 years which I cheekily contacted Lacie to see if they'd do a gesture of good will and they did :D It's quiet and sits there doing hourly backups as it has done for the last 8 years.

I also have a cheapo Unitek dock which you simply drop hard drives into raw ... I have some external media (all my DVDs on a 2Tb disk) and another disk as a second Time Machine backup which I keep away from the computer. I think this is a very elegant solution and while it is a little noisy since the disks are just docked and not in a chassis, it affords a lot of convenience for swapping disks, if you wind up with a handful in a drawer.
I've been a PC guy since the 8086 days, owned pretty much all intel generations generations since, 286, 486 DX4/100, Pentium 2, 3, Xeons you name it. I used every Windows release since Windows 3.0 and Linux since Slackware 3... Anyway, last September I bought an iMac for my wife's birthday and I'm kicking myself since then! WTF am I still doing with this PC? Next computer for myself is going to be an iMac, period.
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