Acquisitions 29th April to 6th May

I had an hour and a half to kill from doing the school run and a dentist appointment. This is not a good combination for someone with a low boredom threshold and a serious impulse buying problem. I went to my local shaving shop and I think I ticked off every acquisition disorder going today, razor, blades, brush, soap, cream, pre-shave and AS!


MÜHLE 2013 R41 with rose gold handle. Kent H8 best badger brush. Personna Reds. Proraso soap and AS. Molinard Rasoline brushless cream. Jack Black Beard Lube.

The R41 and Rasoline featured in my SOTD post, the jury is still out on the Rasoline as yet, plus I enjoy usuing a brush. The Kent, my first, is quite large and I like the faux horn handle, really looking forward to trying this out, it was just that my curiousity was peaked today by a brushless cream.

Lose the beard said:
Nice haul. Glad I don't have a shop like that local to me.

Thanks, sometimes I wish I didn't have one quite so convenient either! I go by regularly when I'm home and usually buy something or usually a couple of something's, and he's tempting me with some Dave's restored razors, replated vintage gillettes just now too. I've resisted so far, and one has been sold, only four to go! :icon_razz:

The post man delivered some Thayers rose petal, lemon and medicated Witch hazel this morning that I had ordered back in February from
I must commend their customer service, when it didn't arrive, after around a month, I contacted their customer services who thanked me for my patience and explained that USPS can be painfully slow and recontact them in two weeks if it doesn't turn up. Due to work it was more like three and a bit weeks, but they sent out a second package on the 24th and it arrived ten days later.

I got a couple of new buys in today:

My Rosegold R41 from Executive-Shaving and a tub of TOBS grapefruit:


I have to say, this was my first time using ES and I would definitely use them again. The package was shipped promptly via signed-for delivery and they included a free pack of Israeli Personnas with a hand written note pointing it out.

The cream smells amazing and will probably be used tonight.

I love the look of this razor and can't wait to try it.

Well not shaving related but a very nice little find this morning whilst patrolling the Car Boot sale

A Billingham 225 Camera bag for a very nice price ! :angel::angel::angel::angel:



NotTheStig said:
50ml vintage 4711 off ebay, very cheap. Boots have obviously stocked this line for a while as it has a price sticker on the box of 10/ 8d

Have you tried it yet? I recently picked up a vintage bottle of 4711 Sir from, probably, the late 60's which is, as yet, unopened. What do you reckon?

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