Your Broadband speed?

It's that easy? A splitter, a router and a dongle? Seems Win10 is not supported but I'm on Win7 32/64, which is.

Does the computer itself need anything to support 5GHz wifi speeds?
Virgin (previously Blueyonder) for about 10 years now, maybe more.

They keep sending me emails telling me they are doubling my speed soon - I think it is in preparation for the roll out of turning the home hubs into public ( well Virgin customer) wi-fi hotspots the same as BT.
Fortunately my mother in law is on BT and I know her log in details so I can use BT hotspots when out and about.
^ that's a terrible ping delay for cable. On virgin here and it's 8ms. Worst ping was two-way satellite - about half a second if I remember right.
Since Virgin Media completed our local upgrades ........ I'm able to open up sixteen+ connections to my file hosts via Internet Download Manager and get a consistent 20-21 megabytes per second overall .......

Not bad at all .......
Mum and Dad are on Talk Talk and this is about average for what we get:


It works just fine for everything we need to do so no complaints.
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