SOTD Saturday 12th November to Friday 18th November 2016

November 16, 2016​
Wolfman WR-01 Ti OC with Hempel Ti​
Personna 74 (18)​
“Los Tres Amigos Dos” CH 2 Synthetic LE​
Route 66 Lumberjack​
Witch Hazel​
Fine L'Orange Noir​

The Personna 74 just keeps going with another very good shave this morning. Three passes and minimal touch ups ended with a smooth comfortable shave. As usual the Route 66 was easy to whip into a rich slick lather. Finished up the the shave with a splash of Fine L'Orange Noir. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday.
November 16, 2016

Wolfman WR-01 Ti OC with Hempel Ti
Personna 74 (18)
“Los Tres Amigos Dos” CH 2 Synthetic LE
Route 66 Lumberjack
Witch Hazel
Fine L'Orange Noir

The Personna 74 just keeps going with another very good shave this morning. Three passes and minimal touch ups ended with a smooth comfortable shave. As usual the Route 66 was easy to whip into a rich slick lather. Finished up the the shave with a splash of Fine L'Orange Noir. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday.
Great picture of fine tools amigo. Have a good day.
Thank you Doug and great to have you here - great snow/chainsaw shot BTW!
Morning Alfred, it's is an old picture I pulled out of the archives to have a bit of fun with a member. No snow yet just the light dusting we had a week or so ago. I have two golf games set up for Thursday and Friday. Have a good day.
Very nice picture and setup today BTW.
Wednesday 16th
OSP - Chypre Cream
Virginia Sheng Purtech
Radio 1912
GEM Stainless Steel/Coated #6
Alum > Hot/Cold Rinse > Duru Mandarin Cologne
Neutrogena Comfort Balm

The Chypre cream has a really super complex scent, top notes of sweet orange, with a lovely complex floral/woody background during the shave, which TBH was smoothly pleasant. Especially with a rather unique 1912.
The OSP creams are proving to be specially nice.

Shave nicely everyone ;)
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Wednesday 16th
OSP - Chypre Cream
Virginia Sheng Purtech
Radio 1912
GEM Stainless Steel/Coated #6
Alum > Hot/Cold Rinse > Duru Mandarin Cologne
Neutrogena Comfort Balm

The Chypre cream has a really super complex scent, top notes of sweet orange, with a lovely complex floral/woody background during the shave, which TBH was smoothly pleasant. Especially with a rather unique 1912.
The OSP creams are proving to be specially nice.

Shave nicely everyone :wink:
Was "Radio" the name of the manufaturer and the year of manufaturer was 1912? Is that the origanal handle? Good looking razor. :)
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