Wolfman on Ebay

A bit late on this thread I appreciate - but what drives people to say that something is not worth the price that someone else - in the same thread - has admitted paying? Is it a form of oneupmanship - in the form of 'I know the value of something better than you'? Or just jealousy?

There are people on the forum who have thousands invested in watches - you might just as well tell them they are fools and should buy a Casio. Same goes for high end cameras and audio and heaps of other stuff. If someone pays more than you would for whatever object I think it's just common courtesy to keep your comments neutral.
The trend for completed, high final value sales of Wolfman razors on Fleabay at the moment tends to tell a very clear story of their current 'value'.

'Perceived values' are the biggest draw, sometimes ......... It just so happens the Wolfman can back it's rep up in spades ..... Never a bad thing in business.
I can confirm that I don't have a Wolfman..but I do want one. As I am only collecting razors with animal related names from now on.
Still plenty of collecting scope:
The was a Puma razor from Solingen
Durham Duplex Dog Dresser
Gillette Bulldog
Christy made a Buffalo razor
and of course the Bunny V3
and I missed some I'm sure...
It isn't £400 though, thats external market prices
It is actually 400 . Because the demand is so big and the production is so limited you are not going to get ine with 300$ unless you get on the list and wait about 1.5 years. But because people want to have them they are going to pay 400 £ to get them
Still plenty of collecting scope:
The was a Puma razor from Solingen
Durham Duplex Dog Dresser
Gillette Bulldog
Christy made a Buffalo razor
and of course the Bunny V3
and I missed some I'm sure...

Yes, you missed the Komoda Dragon Straight Edge Razor....manufactured in the Lesser Sunda Islands, off of Indonesia. Named, naturally enough, after the fearsome Komoda Dragon itself, and aimed specifically at gentlemen endowed with twin, matching todgers. Don't forget its close cousin the recently released Varanus Bitatawa DE Razor, manufactured on the Northern Luzon Island in the Philippines....also aimed at similarly endowed fellas.

Indeed, you're right, there little point waiting for anything sensible coming from my direction.
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Simon, being an ilittirratt and unskooled oik, I had to look that one up. I came to the the conclusion that we're talking Terry Pratchett...and, unsurprisingly, I haven't read Mort. I'm more a Billy Bunter and Just William sort of follower.

But I'll pop round the library (cheapskate that I am) and procure a copy.
Simon, being an ilittirratt and unskooled oik, I had to look that one up. I came to the the conclusion that we're talking Terry Pratchett...and, unsurprisingly, I haven't read Mort. I'm more a Billy Bunter and Just William sort of follower.

But I'll pop round the library (cheapskate that I am) and procure a copy.
I'd thought you more of a "Viz" connoisseur. :p
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