Wolfman on Ebay

The Wolfman is a very very good razor. I was lucky enough to try one from our lending pool. It takes a long time to get one and posts all over forums make it more and more desirable. It's worth what people are willing to pay for it. This got me thinking: I have an even rarer razor that everyone loves - anyone willing to pay £1500 for a Bunny V3 :p:p:p
That's an Interesting One Andreas..Its only a Matter of Time before someone Sticks one Up on the Bay..:p

Prices are sky rocketing because demand has far outstripped availability ........ If we all stopped talking about it tomorrow, people would still be paying daft prices to get what they want, when they want it :)
Prices are sky rocketing because demand has far outstripped availability ........ If we all stopped talking about it tomorrow, people would still be paying daft prices to get what they want, when they want it :)
Do you have a wolfman. If yes is the closed or open comb. I have the open comb and is lovely. Was wondering how the closed comb is compared to mine
I have the dual comb, Vadim ...... Best of both worlds ;)

To be honest, there's no real difference in 'aggression' between the OC and SB sides. I tend to do the first couple of passes with the OC side, then the last with the SB side and that works well for me.

It's a gorgeous razor ..... I love driving it around my face .... Like a bloody Ferrari :D
I have the dual comb, Vadim ...... Best of both worlds ;)

To be honest, there's no real difference in 'aggression' between the OC and SB sides. I tend to do the first couple of passes with the OC side, then the last with the SB side and that works well for me.

It's a gorgeous razor ..... I love driving it around my face .... Like a bloody Ferrari :D
Haha it is very well built indeed. Looks like a ferrari in the razor world :) and pretty aggresive also but smooth. What handle and material is yours
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