Witch Hazel

Is witch hazel a similar product to Alum? Does it leave the skin feeling similar, ie taught and dry? I dont really like how alum feels so i dont want to buy some thayers and it be the same!
It's much more gentle than alum.

It tones the skin, doesn't dry it as much as alum and certainly doesn't sting like alum does on the parts of you face where you may have been a little over-enthusiastic.

Not wishing to hijack your thread Selecta....but:

Do many people use both Alum and WH after a shave, or usually do people use one or other?
Now that you guys brought this up and since I am a novice in many issues, I also have a question:

I do use alum, but never used WH before (have no clue how it feels, or what it does).

Are they supposed to be something like the same? I wouldn't think so, but have to ask, you know...
Is WH something like a 'natural' after shave? Does it have a smell? It appears people use it here and there...

Do they put AS or ASB after using WH?

UPDATE: I've just seen that Slow, for example, uses both...

Slow Shaving said:
Tuesday 06-04-10.

Soap from Marseille - Semogue 730HD silvertip - Gillette SS 40's style - Shark#1 - Dr. Harris Arlington shaving cream - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASL Grey Flannel.
I reckon i may get a few of those sample size bottles that someone linked to a while back, do you guys who use thayers recommend the alcohol free versions, they may be less drying?
I use Thayers WH as a toner and cleanser to clean the alum off so yes you can and I do use both.
I have Thayers with and without alcohol (10%) can't really tell if one is more drying than the other.

I've used and liked the Boots WH and Tea tree you can also buy the distilled stuff from your local pharmacy.
Thats a bit whiffy but you can add scent to make it more tolerable.
For me they are complimentary, but also they don't have to be used together or exclusively. If I get a lot of sting from the Alum after a harsh shave I will do a cold splash then apply some WH for a further calming effect, even used without alum before WH does not burn or sting like A/S or Alum. The Thayers range is really nice stuff, I bought two of the small bottles to try then later bought some big bottles direct from The Singing Store, it is just a nice skin calmer but not absolutely necessary.

I also had the Art Of Shaving rose water given to me as a gift and the Thayers wins both in value how it feels after application. Nice luxury but not by any means necessary and you can get really cheap alternatives from local pharmacies and make a mix up for yourself.
I used to use it - I had a lot of the BP small medical bottles of the lotion (my aunt used to work in a hospital and I was fascinated by anything to do with hospitals - she used to give me wonderful presents like plasters, slings, temporary stitches... :? ) - it is a lot less astringent than alum.

Incidentally, it is also used to reduce swelling, especially in cases of haemorrhoids!

Now, where's that Farmer Giles aftershave balm...
Neil Miller said:
I used to use it - I had a lot of the BP small medical bottles of the lotion (my aunt used to work in a hospital and I was fascinated by anything to do with hospitals - she used to give me wonderful presents like plasters, slings, temporary stitches... :? ) - it is a lot less astringent than alum.

Incidentally, it is also used to reduce swelling, especially in cases of haemorrhoids!

Now, where's that Farmer Giles aftershave balm...

You can also use preparation-h as aftershave balm*

*not actually true
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