which wolfman

Does this mean the same thing will happen again next month (or whenever the list opens again) or is it going to work next time and it'll be a mad rush?

I'd me miffed if I was in the top 40 of that list and hadn't been selected. Which is looking like 36 people as it stands
Why not just have a big long list rather than everyone having to jump through hoops in a desperate attempt to get one. The same person could miss out for 12 months in a row whereas someone could just jump on the list straight away. Totally unfair in my opinion. One list is fair and everyone knows where they stand
The annoying thing is I was one of the last ones on last years waiting list, he contacted me to ask if i was still interested in a razor and then we exchanged Emails and finalised all the details, then I never heard from back from him.
Just missing out on this list as well is very frustrating, oh well...
He did mention that he will be putting up more razors on the store page of his website periodically and will announce them through Twitter, so you never know might still be able to grab one.
You're right. And that's how I approach life too. BUT, you're dead a long time. You don't want to be laying on your death bed with regrets, do you?
If on my death bed my greatest regret was not spending £150+ on a razor that made no difference to my quality of life, then I'll go out with a smile on my face. I would, however, be chuffed to win an S1 in the monthly raffle.
well, that's a great way to screw up the weekend... cheers James, a great way to keep your customers happy... like it's not hard enough to get hold of one of your razors!! :mad:
Does this mean the same thing will happen again next month (or whenever the list opens again) or is it going to work next time and it'll be a mad rush?

I'd me miffed if I was in the top 40 of that list and hadn't been selected. Which is looking like 36 people as it stands

There's already people pre-registering a number of profiles on the waitr list server under different email addresses hoping to increase their odds should it be a 'raffle' again. What a mess.
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