Which is the best SE Injector shaver?

I'm getting impatient!! Can't seem to wait for that KickStarter SE. Can't seem to wait for the Schick adjustable I bought on the bay. Rather than my usual buy-lots-and-see-which-one works-for-me approach, I thought to ask the experts and cut to the chase.

It must take Schick injector blades - as I've already bought plenty in anticipation of the KickStarter job - and then -

Which injector razor gives the best shave, considering closeness and comfort, please? And availability. I expect I'll need to add a money no object answer and a reasonable budget answer. Happy to buy here!
Well Sir...Some of the finest Injectors are unfortunately the rarest ones....But on availability at the moment as I have had a look I would have to say either a PAL Adjustable or a PAL Injectomatic....Both these injectors just blow most Schick injectors right out the window with perhaps the exception of the Schick F Type and Black Handled Canadian E Type which are rare...:eek:

I sent a PAL Injectomatic down to my brother in London recently and he said that the PAL was just amazing....He reluctantly said that it just blew his G type right out the window in terms of being Aggressive, smooth and offering a Deeper Closer BBS Result ....:D

A PAL Injectomatic is probably the most unattractive Injector on the Market....They were designed purely for Function....But I can tell you Sir....Without jumping about the Bush they are probably the BEST Injectors on PLANET EARTH with a Chinese Schick Injector Blade in them...:cool:.

I would go for a PAL Injectomatic Sir....You wont regret it...:D

The good News ....They are as cheap as Chips....:)
I'm getting impatient!! Can't seem to wait for that KickStarter SE. Can't seem to wait for the Schick adjustable I bought on the bay. Rather than my usual buy-lots-and-see-which-one works-for-me approach, I thought to ask the experts and cut to the chase.

It must take Schick injector blades - as I've already bought plenty in anticipation of the KickStarter job - and then -

Which injector razor gives the best shave, considering closeness and comfort, please? And availability. I expect I'll need to add a money no object answer and a reasonable budget answer. Happy to buy here!
PM Sent Sir...o_O
I recently acquired a Pal Injectomatic from these forums. My findings are at odds to yours though! The Pal is very, very mild. Especially compared to my Schick G. It's easy enough to verify this by eye or by carefully feeling the blade gap with your fingers. This shows up in the shave. The Pal takes a lot of work to get a BBS shave whereas the G with its larger blade exposure is far more efficient and takes less work. Of course there may be different variations of these Pal razors. I know Schick Injectors got milder by the decade, the G is regarded to be the last line of relatively aggressive Schick Injectors. The E being the last 'aggressive' Schick. I'm not sure if Pal stuck to the same geometry when Schick's Injector patent ran out, or if they changed it throughout the decades like Schick did?

Well Sir...Some of the finest Injectors are unfortunately the rarest ones....But on availability at the moment as I have had a look I would have to say either a PAL Adjustable or a PAL Injectomatic....Both these injectors just blow most Schick injectors right out the window with perhaps the exception of the Schick F Type and Black Handled Canadian E Type which are rare...:eek:

I sent a PAL Injectomatic down to my brother in London recently and he said that the PAL was just amazing....He reluctantly said that it just blew his G type right out the window in terms of being Aggressive, smooth and offering a Deeper Closer BBS Result ....:D

A PAL Injectomatic is probably the most unattractive Injector on the Market....They were designed purely for Function....But I can tell you Sir....Without jumping about the Bush they are probably the BEST Injectors on PLANET EARTH with a Chinese Schick Injector Blade in them...:cool:.

I would go for a PAL Injectomatic Sir....You wont regret it...:D

The good News ....They are as cheap as Chips....:)
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I skipped the PAL after reading that it was very mild. Weird. Well, that & that it looked a bit, um, basic. If it had been from an eastern block country, I probably would've jumped on it as a fine example of practicality.

I do like my E, though it is a bit mild.
Yeah, well, the thing is if you look again you will see that the PAL has less of a blade gap on the horizontal plain, but decidedly more blade exposure on the Horizontal Plain because the comb sits right back....This where folks get mixed up regarding blade gap....The most aggressive Schick injector that I have is a Canadian Type E with a Black Handle and it was the most aggressive and efficient E Type ever made because it has the same design as a PAL Injector unlike the E Types made in the USA.....:p

Now ...You are correct about the G Type as my Canadian Type E has a smaller blade gap but has more exposure on the horizontal plain because the comb is set further back than the G Type..To the unwitting eye the G Type looks more aggressive.....Not so I am afraid Sir...The Type G also has about the same blade gap as most Type Es but the type E has more blade exposure on the horizontal plain because the comb sits further back....The PAL works on the same principle although they utilize the horizontal; plain a lot more in their designs....The PAL Injectomatics have the same head....There were no variant's In terms of aggressiveness with the exception of the Adjustable of course ..o_O

Now this confuses the hell out of a lot of folks regarding all PAL Injectors....PAL Injectors are not as easy to use as Schick's ...They are far smoother and that doesn't equate to being milder....A lot of folks just cant find the angle on them Sir and come to the wrong conclusions about them too early.....Its blade exposure that matters....Regarding SEs in particular there's been too much made in Forums regarding blade Gap...Its a gross misunderstanding ...:eek:

The interesting thing is that its not as easy to find the blade in the PALs due to the small blade gap even with its larger exposure...Its a subtlety that most folks miss ....Miss it by a hair and you've missed by a mile...:D

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I skipped the PAL after reading that it was very mild. Weird. Well, that & that it looked a bit, um, basic. If it had been from an eastern block country, I probably would've jumped on it as a fine example of practicality.

I do like my E, though it is a bit mild.
Anybody that suggests a PAL Injector is mild has never used one and or never persevered long enough with it....Now whether some folks prefer Schick's or not is another matter...Personnel preference and all that....But that's subjective...In the right hand a PAL Injector is an object that is much more aggressive and efficient than most other injectors...That's a Fact....:D
[QUOTE="Bechet, post: 459373, member: 1664.

It must take Schick injector blades - as I've already bought plenty in anticipation of the KickStarter job - and then -

Which injector razor gives the best shave, considering closeness and comfort, please? And availability. I expect I'll need to add a money no object answer and a reasonable budget answer. Happy to buy here![/QUOTE]

Ok Carl, I can help you out,

First of all, there's a few members who gave wrong answers. They are trying to do good, but are like the tv show audiences who vote on something they know nothing about, which skews the results. Bless their well meaning little hearts, as Uncle Mikey would say.

Those Pal razors are nothing special. I have used the adjustable and non, both with the metal handle and have used others with plastic handles. None of em were worth keeping in the rotation.

The shave is just ok. The metal ones feel a little strange in my hand with poor sight lines and leaves my face less smooth than when using a Schick. There's a reason those things are plentiful and cheap. Kinda like a Rolls razor or (shudder) a 1912ish thing. It's because they are lousy to actually use, especially the window scraper types.

There now, that should straighten things out,

Ok Carl, I can help you out,

First of all, there's a few members who gave wrong answers. They are trying to do good, but are like the tv show audiences who vote on something they know nothing about, which skews the results. Bless their well meaning little hearts, as Uncle Mikey would say.

Those Pal razors are nothing special. I have used the adjustable and non, both with the metal handle and have used others with plastic handles. None of em were worth keeping in the rotation.

I'm with you here Martin ;)
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