What Watch Are You Wearing Today?

^^^ This Tudor Prince Oysterdate looks fantastic.

I'm not wearing one and, given its price, unlikely to wear one in the future, but I think this Eterna 'Big Date' is also a beautiful, understated, classic yet modern looking watch.

My new SlowWatch is not just my Watch-of-the-Day but most likely my watch of the year.
Got it today and love everything about it.


The leather strap here is the 'roughest' and thickest that they have. The other leather ones are rather thin and buttery soft but I wanted something a bit more 'raw' to go with the stainless steel.​
(The 'writing' on the back is from an un-peeled plastic sticker) :)
So in the span of two weeks I've bought both a wallet and a watch - and the last time I bought either of those were 10+ years ago.
I think I'm all leathered-up for spring and summer to arrive. Really happy with both purchases.

Slow Jo 17 watch and Popov wallet.
May it be at least another ten years before I need to replace either of them.
I rather like that watch DB.
I like the simplicity of it.

As you say on the other thread, we are surrounded by clocks anyway if we need to know the absolute exact time.
My monitor,my clock, my phone, my microwave, my van, bus stops, in buses, train stations, in shops, my central heating etc etc surprised they haven't put a clock on a razor yet. C'mon gillette, work it out.
If you are aiming to be somewhere and need to know by the minute, can I suggest that you need to have left a bit earlier as you are cutting it way too fine. (I always like to be there in good time. Or, as some people see it, early)

Luckily I don't have the budget as I would be sorely tempted.
Also, I don't wear a watch. I find they get in the way. (I would have broken many over the years if I did.)
But this I might consider on the odd occasion I want a watch.
My new SlowWatch is not just my Watch-of-the-Day but most likely my watch of the year.
Got it today and love everything about it.


The leather strap here is the 'roughest' and thickest that they have. The other leather ones are rather thin and buttery soft but I wanted something a bit more 'raw' to go with the stainless steel.
(The 'writing' on the back is from an un-peeled plastic sticker) :)
So in the span of two weeks I've bought both a wallet and a watch - and the last time I bought either of those were 10+ years ago.
I think I'm all leathered-up for spring and summer to arrive. Really happy with both purchases.

Slow Jo 17 watch and Popov wallet.
May it be at least another ten years before I need to replace either of them.
I very much like the concept, but I'm not sure my OCD could deal with the lack of a precise minute hand, not to mention a second hand :D Great looking watch though!
Fortunately I've so far been able to resist getting into nice watches but I fear it is only a matter of time before I succumb. All I have is a couple of old Casio's and a Timex for those times when I may be liable to damage them. I also have a Mondain which I love. I think it because I like that so much it has helped me resist getting any more expensive watches.

This is my Seiko Orange Monster with my first attempt at making a strap which I've just finished today. For a first go I'm relatively happy seeing as all I've done previously is make a couple of strops, unfortunately I've made it a little small so hopefully my next attempt will be better. I've got some Horween leather I think I'll use that for my next go, I'm not sure if I've overdone the orange thread though I'll probably do 2 versions one with and one without the stitching.

Photos are a bit rubbish as they are from my phone.



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