What made your day a good one

My sister was taken into the operating room at the main hospital in Cornwall today for an eight hour open heart surgery, the operation went well and she is now in the intensive care unit recovering, she still has a way to go but I'm sure all will be well and she can have her life back again which has been very limited for the last year or so.
She has seen her operation pushed back time after time because of the COVID crisis and was beginning to believe that it was never going to happen.
It will be great to see her start enjoying life again.
That's what made my day a good one today!

Crikey Paul you've had a lot on your plate lately mate. I am glad she's received the attention needed and hope she'll soon be up and about. Shocking how so many life saving ops were put on hold for covid. One of my mates is also very ill (has been for a long time but constantly in and out of ICU). He went in with bleeding in the lungs, got covid whilst in there, but mercifully he was discharged earlier in the week. Proper had me worried but good things happen too.
That would be too much if she caught covid while recovering from such a big opp, fingers crossed all will be well.
I'm pleased your mate got through his ordeal and has been discharged.

Great news P. Wishing her a speedy recovery.

Best wishes to your sister. May you both have many good days in the future.
I became a victim of benefit fraud back in August last year, having to pay back £1500+ for a loan that someone took out in my name.

Just found out that its now been cleared (Im guessing the subject access request I asked for found out that it wasnt me who took out the benefit loan).

I no longer to repay for a loan I never took out. Waiting for the refund now
I hope you are refunded soon. The scammers are scum, taking advantage of the vulnerable and the banks and police do very little. My friend had registered on a job site. She got a call from someone purporting to be the owner of a local business (which did exist) and he offered her a telephone interview as it was during Lockdown. She was told she had got the job, and could she provide her details? Yay, prosecco time! Er, no. A few days later she got a month's salary paid in before she had even started. Then they contacted her and said Payroll had cocked up, could she please refund the money?
At this point she got suspicious and asked her husband (my mate) who said no way. They looked into it and basically the jobs board had not done due diligence, had provided the fraudsters with her personal details. They took out a Payday loan in her name at some ridiculous interest rate, and then asked her for the money. Luckily she didn't pay them otherwise she's a months money down AND with a payday loan. The loans company also did no due diligence, (actually got her name wrong) but still allowed someone else to take it out in her name, yet wouldn't speak to her 'for security reasons'. The loan money had been paid into her Lloyd's bank account which was obviously now in question. Lloyds were totally disinterested in helping. The police said 'call Action Fraud', but seemingly they don't exist any more, and Live Loans are apparently complicit with the scammers. It's still not sorted.

Yeh...I read that since the start of covid, with all the lockdowns, those universal credit fast track loans moved from face to face interviews to online / over the phone and the reports of fraud had increased (how EVER could that have happened?? )

I reported it to Action Fraud back in August and was told that there was nothing they could do about it. The only people that helped were the Citizens Advice Bureau, who suggested the subject access request.

Scammers and thieves are amongst the bottom of society
So, how do we know this is really you and not the other guy?
Wishing your sister all the best Paul, Hope you are well too Paul.
SLF Tickets delivered and flights booked, it's been a while since I visited my mate in Belfast, we had a canny chat today and are both looking forward to it.View attachment 85799
Thats made my day, now then, on with the Rugby

Have seen SLF 3 times at my home town, absolutely brilliant and very loud.
The only other local band that were louder was Nazereth, also absolutely brilliant.