What made your day a good one

Quite a lot around here Paul.

The White Star owners house is 15 minutes walk and my own place once had a Captain from the Queen Mary live here so by no means am I the first.

Also a short walk to the Anthony Gormley exhibition 'Another Place' which consists of 100 cast statues on the beach.

I forgot to mention that we had our younger granddaughter (Zuzu Winter. I love her name) around all day, being not too well and off school.

It came over rather warm in the afternoon so I took my shirt off. The last thing I bloody needed was a four year old screaming 'Granddad you're naked'
Wow, I knew of some of his installations but I didn't realize he was so prolific and some of the sculptures I knew of but didn't know he was the artist, powerful stuff!

Wow, I knew of some of his installations but I didn't realize he was so prolific and some of the sculptures I knew of but didn't know he was the artist, powerful stuff!


Not that far away just outside of Warrington there is another of his, 'Dream' which as you drive down the M62 looks rather phallic from the right angle.

His 'Field for the British Isles' is simply amazing. Not because of the quality of the statues (because they are not) but the number of them! I walked in to the room at The Tate Liverpool and thought 'What the f@*k!'

An artist well worth visiting
Yes, I shall pay more attention and I'm overdue a visit to The Tate, have never been to the Liverpool Tate, London and Cornwall I loved.

And to continue on the theme of me and my back entry it was nice to see someone else down the street take a bit of interest today and cleaning their section of the cobbled road.

Guilt tripping?
Sometimes it takes people time to see someone like you who takes pride in his surroundings before they realise it can be done and it is worth the effort and want to emulate you and hopefully it will snowball and everyone will want to get involved and have some pride in their surroundings as you have and once that happens a greater sense of community will flourish.
Well done to you Chris.

On Tuesday I became an Oupa for the third time and am proud as punch.
I have another little fella to teach real mans shaving when the time comes lol

Congratulations! We've two grandsons amongst five grandkids. My son, at least when he does shave, uses a Muhle R89 Jet and has always said he'll pass it on down. When that time comes, I'll get him something special to replace it with which he can pass on to their second son. I might get him a straight edge at that point ...