What made your day a crap one??

Or just pay to see the dentist?
What a good idea. I think that I'll just need to pop out to my back garden and pick a few hundred quid from my money tree first....

Seriously? I would need to take out a loan to be able to afford a dentist these days. I haven't won the Lottery, but I would need to, just to pay their bill.

In any case, why the hell should I have to pay for treatment, when it wasn't so long ago that I had it for bugger all??
Sorry to hear about your bad experience. Unfortunately, paying for a dentist just isn't an option for me at the moment. They are eye-wateringly expensive. I just don't have that sort of money.

Thank you, anyway.
I don't understand your bloody-mindedness over it though. I can't think of anything more worthwhile than spending money on your health and comfort - even if it requires a loan. A filling is probably ~£200 and a decent root canal by a specialist ~£800. Yes, not cheap but it will return your quality of life if your tooth is hurting.

Sounds like you have a stick in the other end.

Folks trying to give you an alternative and you jump in their shit.
Please don't misunderstand me. I would be only too willing to pay for treatment if I had the money, but sadly I don't. As for taking out a loan.....I can't foresee that going well, and I certainly wouldn't want to end up in debt, just for that. I'll just keep taking the painkillers, ineffective though they may be.

I've had toothache before, and managed to tolerate it. This will probably be no different. I'd rather put up with a bit of pain than to end up with sod all in the bank and maybe also heavily in debt. That is my "rainy day money".
Well I hope it soon passes. It's a horrible thing to have to tolerate for any length of time. If it's an infection you must get it treated unless Corsodyl or some other medical grade mouthwash can help. If it is bad enough to need co-codamol remember you can only take that for a few days. Clove oil or just cloves used to be a thing, although I don't know how they stack up now. I hope it eases off for you on its own. Best of luck
Reactions: FJY

I'm sure that it will pass off on its own before too long. Luckily, I have a high pain threshold, so I think that I'll be able to deal with it. God knows I've suffered with worse things than this in the past!

Thank you, my friend, anyway. I appreciate your kind words and thoughts.
I think that the paracetamol are finally having an effect. I've taken a couple, so at least I'll have some relief for a while. Maybe I just didn't give them a chance to work before.

Temporary relief is better than no relief at all.

Yes, but it is not a permanent solution as teeth, like automobiles, are not self sustaining when there are problems. NSAID's merely "cloak" the real issue. That said I am going to my dentist tomorrow for an extraction on a root canal performed in 2011 by an another (incompetent hack) dentist. It went "nuclear" these past few days after round 1 of short term antibiotics which did not work completely. The pain is beyond NSAID'S to be frank and I started another antibiotic today.
Sorry to hear that @Bogeyman . That's the same kind of situation I was in, as described in post #1216, where nothing short of opiates has any effect whatsoever. A massive initial dose of antibiotics followed by the regular course, accompanied by 30/500mg cocodamol sorted the blighter out (in my case a wisdom tooth).

I wrote you a little song to make it better...

Codeine, codeine, codeine, co-deeeen
I'm begging of you please just take my pain
Codeine, codeine, codeine, co-deeeen
Please just flick the off switch in my brain

My toothache is beyond compare
I'm having a dental nightmare
I'm in the worst pain I have ever been

My smile is like a twisted grin
My voice is choked from all the pain
And I cannot continue sans codeine

I haven't had a wink of sleep
And there's nothing I can do to keep
From crying when I move my jaw

And I can easily understand
How some would rather be trepanned
But you don't know how it's killing me
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Went to the dentist today and it only got worse from there. The bad root canal tooth broke away when he attempted to pull it and he had to go "Medieval" and try and dig the roots out. Like an idiot, I opted out of the "block shot" of Lidocaine and did the local. Well, I "John Wayned" my way through and needless to say one side of my mouth now feels as if a prison full of hardcore "lifer" inmates used it as a "man pleaser".......repeatedly!!