What made your day a crap one??

So in the grand scheme of things it's not as bad as what some people are dealing with....
But I lost my main window cleaning brush head this week. Must have left it on the roof, and driven off, can't find it anywhere. Well that's another £60+ for a new one.... (Such monopoly they have)
Crap being the operative word.

So just getting ready for bed and was looking for my tablet charger.... Not in the bedroom.... No.... Not in the spare room..... No.... Downstairs? No..... "Hang on what's that on the bottom of my slipper..... ? "
Oh Crap!!!
Yep, some how one of the cats had managed to leave a turd in the bedroom, and obviously without realising I stood on it and then proceeded to trapes it through the whole house.....

I feel so dirty... On my hands and knees cleaning up and spraying gallons of disinfectant solutions on the carpet and laminate floor.
Not a day, but a week. My younger sister died suddenlyand unexpectedly last week from cancer-related issues, I'm still trying to process it because her partner asked if I would deal with all the formalities, (which has kept my mind occupied), but I was just sitting having a drink tonight ( just the one so far) and felt the need to get it out of my head and into the open.
Sorry my friend, may she rest in peace.
My condolences Bruce
My deepest condolences Bruce.
That's brutal. Heid up big man - yours - I.

Sorry for your loss Bruce.