What made your day a crap one??

COVID has arrived at our house. Wife and eldest are a few days in with it. My chest is tightening and the youngest seems to be going the same way.
How many shots and boosters have you had? The CDC now says that the first two shots did nothing. And no matter what you do you can be infected and be contagious. Get better and stay better my friend, how young is the youngest?
What's an expansion tank?
Keep your spirits up, all of you.

Ahh bugger!
Hope you are all not too affected by it Chris, get well soon all of you.

How many shots and boosters have you had? The CDC now says that the first two shots did nothing. And no matter what you do you can be infected and be contagious. Get better and stay better my friend, how young is the youngest?
Thanks chaps. Kids seem to be taking it like any other virus. Moments of lethargy followed by moments of fighting over their toys.

I'm asthmatic but triple jabbed so hopefully that restrains it somewhat.
Next door have lost a couple off roof tiles, one had cracked one of my garage roof tiles which has slipped, Just been up on the garage roof, mixed some apoxy and glued it back into place to keep the roof integrity.
Got back down,
They have lost the ridge tiles from their porch, they have now lost the front fence and their heavy brick pillar holding it up, luckily none of it not came my way and hit my car (its now been moved).
Back out the back to shore up and keep main back garden fence up.
It's blowing a hoolie up here.
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Not too bad where we are - the only thing that blew away in our garden was the paddling pool I've been promising to take back inside since August
It’s a small tank (ours is 2 gal) that is installed on the water intake line, which prevents pressure surges in the system. If you are on a municipal water system the water pressure in the system can fluctuate usually higher at night.
I've installed a boatload of pressure relief valves between the water meter and a house, never seen a tank. You can adjust the max PSI with the valve. Are tanks a Canadian thing?