What are you waiting on to arrive?

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Things are getting really silly now...Just spent about £140 to perfect my replating operation,(£200 including the the razors,not to mention what I have already spent),really going to have to sell something to cover that now...Mrs DT just said "what about the food shop",unfortunately,it looks like we going to be on beans on toast for a while...But like I said to Mrs DT,you have to speculate to accumulate...Dont think she is buying it though...
When the Divorce papers come through...Just see it as a "Peace Treaty" Sir....:D
"Holy 'not the FatBoy I was expecting' Batman"!!!!!!


It all works fine,the TTO knob fell out as soon as it loosened!,that was a 30 second fix though.Its a D3,so just unscrewed it to check out the innards,and apart from a bit of really minor limescale (i scraped of a load with my nail!),its fine!,all clicks!,1/4 turn the lot!.Cant believe my luck!.Even the F4 Manky Boy replacement isnt too bad.I can feel it is totally gunked up,and the adjuster is a bit vague mind...


It also has a black spring!.
Connaught came through with some rather good deals again.
Two bottles of Mitchells Wool Fat Hand Was a 300ml each, and
Two tubes of Speick Men Active shaving cream a 75ml each.

Total cost for all four items: $17 including shipping.


A Rolls Razor Viscount! FFS, what am I thinking? I want to investigate this phenomenon of whiskers disappearing an hour after shaving - how do you know if you need to touch-up or if you have a BBS already? Or is BBS impossible with these things?

I don't do vintage, for goodness sake! I blame Billy!
It's just a bit of a straight ... on a stick.
Odd as it may sound, but with the guard removed I think it's less nerve-wracking. Even now, I find the Rolls shave a little uneasy and that is largely because the guard obscures the edge to the eye. Ditch the guard and you can see everything clearly. You just need a screwdriver to ping it off ... and it'll go back on easily afterwards.
Vintage Givenchy Gentleman edt, hopefully here tomorrow - although I may not be in as I'm doing the grind of Uni Open Days and bespoke visits. Higher education is eye-wateringly expensive compared to my day
There's something ironic about 'looking forward' to a Paypal invoice to arrive, but when the goods noted therein are from the house of Wolfman, dispensing your hard-earned with childlike abandon is almost cathartic...

WR1-DC Razor Head-Brushed Finish, Modified .74mm Blade Gap
WRH7 Handle
Stainless Razor Stand
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