What are you listening to?

This is getting all to genteel and soft around the edges for me ........ Lets rock. :p

"You can't swim you can't dance and you don't know Karate, face it you're never gonna make it"
"I don't wanna make it ...I just wanna"

i love a bit of stevie wonder, was fortunate enough to see him when he toured the uk a few years ago. he was absolutely fantastic!
I wish I had seen him when he was in the UK, I have been told he fantastic live. Chose the above songs because of the lyrics as well the whole song and of course Gangsters ........sorry I mean Pastimes Paradise because..............

The Quiet Hollers.

I was listening to some streaming radio station a year or two back and a song from their first album came on and I ended up buying it - first time in a while I've actually bought a CD and I had to get it shipped from the USA. This is from the second album which is just great.
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