What are you drinking tonight.

Never tried Glendronach if I'm honest, but what to say about Glenfarclas. The 15yr old is smooth, no smokiness to speak of. Definitely benefits from a couple of drops of water to open up the flavour a bit. The 10yr old just drink as it is, but be prepared for the bottle to go very quickly, it's a very light and easy drinking whisky. The 105 is a bit more potent in flavour and strength. The 30yr old however, you'd best be sitting down when you drink it, for the taste will blow you away. Complex, almost caramel tones in there, absolutely heavenly. Been nigh on 10 years since I last had the 30yr old, I do need another bottle.
Damn, that wheat beer looks mightyfine.

Currently a mug of filter coffee made from Rave's decaff beans. I didn't used to touch decaff, but mixing 50:50 with full-lard beans means six mugs a day without feeling wired. Plus more decaff in the evening..