What are you drinking tonight.

Adnams Broadside
6.3% ABV

Tell us your story Graeme - in a few lines - why no more alcohol.
Ok, here goes. My name is Graeme and I'm an alcoholic. At the ripe old age of 23, I admitted I had a problem. I started to need, not want but need drink every day. I could drink and drink and drink then be sick, wipe myself down and keep drinking till I passed out. Whilst at college as a young man, I worked in a pub/restaurant and drank most nights just to get me to sleep and always needed the hair of the dog (large dark rum and coke initially then just neat) to get the day started. Took me 6 years to finally put a proper stop to it. Not had a drink since the wee small hours of 23rd August 2003 so just passed 12 years sober. Still fucking mental though....:rolleyes:o_O

Tonight's vintage drop of pop was 2 dessert spoons of pea protein isolate with two raw eggs, topped up to 600ml in my shaker bottle. Not nice but if you've ever drank spirulina mixed with water (not the tablets, man...), this is positively scrumptious in comparison.
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Lagavulin 16. Ran out a few months ago and now decided to take up Ocado on their £20 off your first order offer :D
Oh how I missed it! Sweet peat, warming peat, gorgeous smokey peat. A bottle lasts me a couple of years though... it's for treats only.


What will they think of next? What's wrong with milk and stuff?

When young fellas in the gym ask me how I sculpted my body into the slab of solid, glistening granite they see before them, I reply "plenty of Pies and Chips youth".

Vinny, how the hell are you fella? Good to read you posting mate! I've got to watch my milk protein intake as I have a bit of an intolerance to dairy produce. I don't digest it as well for some reason (it's to do with the casein and not lactose) and anyhoo yon pea stuff is fairly cheap. Besides, I ain't ever gonna be a solid slab of granite though it won't be for lack of trying. I whack two raw eggs and two dessert spoons of the pea protein isolate into my shaker and top it up with goat's milk, give it a ruddy good shake and Bob's yer faither's brother.
Poor fella also had cancer as a nipper so he can't grow any muscle on his chest, back or shoulders. He's got freakishly big hands and forearms though. Proper strong. Like a farmer.

Crikey, puts things into perspective.

My ex's Uncle was a great big barrel chested man with the biggest hands I've ever seen - literally like shovels. He was a gentle giant but I'd swear his forearms were bigger than his biceps and they weren't exactly small. Strong as an ox, so he was.

Well, I'll be back drinking the above concoction as soon as I've done me exercises. :rolleyes:
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