What are you drinking tonight.

joe mcclaine said:
Northam Saint said:
joe mcclaine said:
Missus has just walked in from shopping at Tescos with a couple of bottles of Guinness Dublin Porter and West Indies Porter.

Trying the Dublin first.

Tried both and they are very nice, much nicer than "normal" bottled Guinness.

Always enjoyed Guinness. Even the Guinness 'Red' they did a few years ago. Training Guinness I called it.

I have a suspected hiatus hernia (endoscopy booked to find out for sure). Might be completely unrelated but I've found regular 'cooking' lager is blowing me up like a good 'un so have tried to switch back to flat beer.

Just finishing the West Indies version now. Both very drinkable. I'd probably take the Dublin over the West Indies. The Dublin is more bitter, I think.

That's my Christmas drink sorted then.

I preferred the Dublin too.

Doesn't sound good, take care mate, hope the results are good.
joe mcclaine said:
Northam Saint said:
joe mcclaine said:
Missus has just walked in from shopping at Tescos with a couple of bottles of Guinness Dublin Porter and West Indies Porter.

Trying the Dublin first.

Tried both and they are very nice, much nicer than "normal" bottled Guinness.

Always enjoyed Guinness. Even the Guinness 'Red' they did a few years ago. Training Guinness I called it.

I have a suspected hiatus hernia (endoscopy booked to find out for sure). Might be completely unrelated but I've found regular 'cooking' lager is blowing me up like a good 'un so have tried to switch back to flat beer.

Just finishing the West Indies version now. Both very drinkable. I'd probably take the Dublin over the West Indies. The Dublin is more bitter, I think.

That's my Christmas drink sorted then.

Not sure if you've had an endoscopy before Vinny but in my experience atleast, they aren't as bad as some make them out to be. It helped immensely that my last anesthetist was very attractive indeed :)
Yep, take their medicine. I woke up after my last one and apart from the usual grogginess from the general anaesthetic and being a tad uncomfortable it's really not as bad as it sounds. My ENT surgeon was very good indeed.

Tonight I'll be mostly drinking a brew, of the PG tips variety.
Brugse Zot out of in Bruges, Belgium.
There are some damn fine beers here. Sampled some Leffe Brun earlier today; nectar of the gods.
Their chocolate's not too bad either.

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