What are the top 5 soaps that you use the most?

In no particular order, but the five I have on the shelf to use:

P&B Bluebird
P&B Albion
P&B Imperial Rum
Zingari The Wanderer

I am attempting to actually finish a few soaps this year before stocking up again..... I'll give it a month!
Sometimes, over a given period, the soaps I'm using the most aren't necessarily my top soaps as I try to rotate them so that all get a decent run.
And sometimes I will rate a good performing soap higher than an excellent soap for being superb in one area, such as price or scent
Thank you
Cheers Grahame
This has been my experience as well.

I try to use all the soaps I have opened and won’t open another until I have finished one off.

My list would look a little different, if I didn’t have problems with the ones that contain so many moisturizers. They make my face break out, If I use them for a few shaves in a row.

My eventual plan is to have a 5 soap rotation. While I will miss using some of these other soaps. I realize it’s time to thin the heard.
My top 3 are:

RazoRock Don Marco
TOB'S Rose cream
Murdock London Regent

I essentially enjoy any Bergamot and Neroli cream. It's usually Mondial or TFS, but enjoyed the Don Marco from Spring to Autumn.
And thanks to Paul and the BST I have more TFS/RR Citrus croaps coming my way...